Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)

Creating Connections: The Must-Attend Event for Women in Accounting with Erin Pohan

Season 1 Episode 101

Alyssa Lang interviews Erin Pohan, Founder of Upkeeping and WAVE - Seattle, on building supportive communities for women in accounting, finance, and entrepreneurship. Alyssa and Erin explore the transformative power of authenticity, organizing impactful industry events, and fostering long-term connections that challenge traditional norms!

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What exciting live event is happening in Seattle, WA in May of 2025
  • How networking and community building can take your business to the next level
  • Why this accounting event for women will reshape connections

About our guest:

As Founder of UpKeeping®, Erin is changing the boring stereotypes about accounting and helping business owners truly understand their business finances. Through a customized outsourced accounting subscription service, Erin and her team support entrepreneurs by being their #1 financial concierge/communicator. Erin holds an MS in Accounting from Liberty University and a BS in Accounting from the University of Maryland. When she’s not trying to make accounting more “fun”, Erin loves building community within the industry and convincing accounting students that owning an accounting/bookkeeping firm is the American dream.

Connect with Erin Pohan:

Email Erin Pohan:

Check out her event:

Resources mentioned in this episode:

🎟️ Sign up for the WAVE - Seattle event on May 22, 2025

📧 Have questions about the event? Send an email to

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If you've been craving more in-person events and also just collaboration and connections with other women in the industry, then this episode is for you. I'm bringing on a very, very, very special guests who I not only get to attend this lovely event in may of 2025, but I also get to be a sponsor and I get to do a special collaboration with my biz bestie, Serena Shoup onstage at this event. And we're going to drop some hints about what we have planned for you guys and all the fun things. But Erin is actually hosting this incredible event in Seattle, Washington in may of 2025, which we're going to drop all the details in today's episode. And it's all for women specifically in accounting and the event is called wave. And I'm so excited to bring her on, to just talk through her whole vision, why she put this together and the whole idea and the whole values around it. So stick around for the episode, if you're interested in hearing about the event, because I will be there and I'm super. Excited to me meeting all of you guys who are going to be attending as well, and make sure you sign up and grab your ticket because the event is going to sell out fast. Hey everyone and welcome back to the podcast. I'm so excited because this is actually going to be our first podcast of the year, which is so exciting while you guys are listening to this. So welcome to 2025. It is going to be such a massive growth here. I feel like so many people energetically have been feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with an election year and just so many changes in business and coming off the high of like, and all these different changes. And I feel like this year is going to be our year. I don't know if y'all are feeling it, but if you are, and you're super pumped, please come and share it with me. I'm excited, but I have something even more exciting to share with you guys coming into 2025. I think one of the most important things that you can do for yourself is to really give yourself that space and that time for not just you, but to also collaborate with other people to get in the space with others who are feeling and going through what you're going through. And people who are there to empower you along the way and through this journey. And so I'm really excited to bring on today's guest. This is Erin. She's actually an incredible human being and we were so honored and so excited to hear from Erin recently. When I say we, I'm talking about Serena Shoup at Ambitious Bookkeeper. Erin said that she had a dream, which I'll let her tell the story, that me and Serena were on stage at her event that she's going to be having in May that we're going to talk about today. And she reached out, pitched it to us and we were like, hell yeah, let's do it. So welcome to the show, Erin. I'm so excited to dive into what you have cooking up coming here in 2025.


Thank you. And to say that this is an honor to be having this conversation with you is a huge understatement because you, even though we've never met in person, we almost didn't, and we will in a couple months you've been one of the pivotal, influential people in my life that I've watched just go for your dreams and go for your goals and, and just keep doing things to change the industry. So it's an honor to not only talk to you, but also collaborate with you in 2025. Yay. I'm so excited.


Yeah, me too. Yeah. So tell me a little bit about before we dive into your event, what you have going on, all the fun things I would just love for anybody who does not know who you are, what you do, how'd you get into the accounting space? Tell me all the things and then we'll kind of go from there.


Yeah, actually 2025 marks my 20 years in accounting, which sounds crazy. Oh my god, I didn't even know it was that long. Yeah, well, I started while I was going to school, like my first year of getting my associate's degree at community college, I actually worked at Walmart. And right after Christmas season, I was at the customer service desk. It was the worst job ever. And someone was like, Hey, there's an opening in the accounting room. And I was like, wait, what? Locked door away from people like I love people, but not after that. So I went and I worked in the accounting office and my job was to help Reconcile like the huge sale days down to the penny. And yeah, that's where I started. And from there I've worked in public accounting, private accounting, educational sector of accounting, and then started my own firm in 2021. So upkeeping is my main focus now. And we are a. We're an outsourced accounting firm. There's three team members and me, and we serve around 50 clients right now. Oh, very exciting. Are you niched down? Nope. That's something I'm always watching. Yeah. I always listening to podcasts. I'm like, not yet. And part of the reason for that is I struggled with scarcity mindset thinking, you know, like, Oh, where am I going to get my clients from? I need to just take whoever needs help. Olderly. Yep. And now almost four years into upkeeping, I'm realizing like, oh, that's not a problem at all. And I'm also learning, I've spent so much time with e commerce brands that like, That's why West is being figured out. I have a lot of value to add there. So maybe we'll share at some point.


Yeah. And I always tell people like a niche doesn't need to be like an industry. It could be a type of person. It could be a type of software. Oh,


that's good.


Like, you know, cause like me and Serena, we both like, we serve the same type of, we do have like a generalized industry. We serve course creators coaches and creatives, both of us. I think her most focus is just course creators, but I focus in QuickBooks and she focuses in zero. So then whenever someone's like, I use zero, then I'm like, cool, go to Serena. And if they use QBO, then they go to me and we do vice versa. We're always sharing each other. So I always tell people like, it can also be a type of person. It could be like, I don't work with ***** human beings. Yeah. You know what I mean? Do that. Do that. Yeah. So like it could be that too. So as long as it's successful and it works for you. I know my, bestie Brooke, has like over 75 clients and they're not niched down fully, but they do have a lot of construction clients, but they're not going to go just message directly to them. So I think it works as long as it works for you. It doesn't matter.


Yeah. So far it is. And maybe we'll branch out and get more specific at some point, but we love the clients that we're serving right now. So.


Yeah, I love that. Well, I'm excited to be diving into a really fun topic today because for anyone listening knows, especially if you guys have been to any of my retreats, been to any of my in person events, that you guys know that I bring the party and I'm really huge on connection in general, whether it's virtually or in person. So I'm The opportunity to not only be involved in this event that you're going to be hosting, that you're going to be talking about, but also to be able to attend myself, but also to be able to have you on here to share it with people. Because I think there is a huge gap in this space of not enough. opportunity to sit aside someone who understands what you're going through without it being like this good old suit and tie, let's get real serious talking about boring taxes, something that's more uplifting. So I'd love to talk about what is this event that you have going on? What's the date? What's the details? How did it start? Tell me all the things.


Yes. So the event is on Thursday, May 22nd, this year, 2025. So just in a few months, it is women in accounting and finance visionaries and entrepreneurs. So, the idea of this event came several months ago. The first, I guess, inspiration for it was, I love accounting conferences. I love industry specific gatherings where you get to meet other people. I love traveling, but I don't always want to go to Florida. Like, not from Seattle, at least. Same.




so expensive,


so. Yeah, it's expensive and far. Like, California too, it's such a mission. And you lose time. It's a whole thing.


Yeah, exactly. So, I, loving people and being a part of several local networking groups, I had the idea, I know there are women here, I know if I just put something together, like they will come out of the woodwork and we can put something on here. So back in September, I hosted an evening and I mean, I think I just did an Eventbrite and then invited people that I had already met And then people just found it through Eventbrite. And we had a group of over 20 women who came together. And there was so much momentum from that evening of, Hey, we're all here. Let's put Seattle on the map. Let's continue building something and like contributing to our industry together.




And from that the idea for like a, a full day in person, live event came The exciting thing about it is once I started talking about it with people, whether they were in Seattle or not, they were like, Oh, I'm in, I'll be there. And so, I mean, we just finished our presale and the majority of those tickets are from women around the country, from Massachusetts, Arizona, California. Yeah. And so it really is. It's like, you just, you know, just build it and they'll come. Yeah. And it's just something that women especially are just craving so much is just to find people that are looking toward what's next for them and their firm and for their, future and just coming together to talk about it. To maybe hold each other accountable, push through pain points learn from others experiences.


Yeah. Finding


the tools that others are using and then like grow together for the collective good of, you know, the accounting industry. So I keep saying it's like our way of being able to rebrand this boring stuffy accounting industry everyone talks about.


Yeah, 100%. I think there's too much of the, I think there's, there's definitely some wave, no pun intended here, because that's like the short name of your event. There's like this natural wave that's happening of like, I just no longer stand for having to always like be dressed up and like be polished and like have to use all these big terms and these big things. And if you're someone who's listening, who like loves that kind of stuff, that's cool. Like, as long as you own it and that's who you are innately, then like, But for me, like, I feel like, I don't know if this was for you, but I remember when I first started my bookkeeping and tax firm, back in the day, I just remember being like, I have to constantly wear long sleeves because I've got fully sleeved tattoos, and I've got to make sure my hair isn't so bright, and it's not so, like, I feel like my own little light was dimmed. Because I thought that this stereotype that I had to actually follow and I had to be like a part of


yes, Alyssa I wore stockings to my first CPA firm gig Like I love that like I Part of the the hardest thing starting upkeeping was letting go perfectionism, which is like something that whether it's You know doing your work to perfection or like appearing a certain way to others in order for you to think they're going to take you serious like let it go and be yourself because really That's why would we want to put on a a different persona when we're going to build relationships with our clients They're going to really get to know us anyway, so Yeah, this is part of it too. It's just come as you are and just be you and you'll find and attract the people who belong to you. Oh


yeah, 100%. I used to know, I remember back in the day I used to get hate comments on like Facebook ads for Workflow Queen because I was like loud and bright and then there's unicorns and colors and like, I got a lot of hate at the very beginning because they were like, who's this? And then now you start seeing all these other people coming out and they're like, I'm just who I am. Like I have my days where I want to be casual. Like I know everyone listening cannot see me, but I've got my flannel on, like I've got my hair up. I have like, I'm fine. I'm still showing up. But like. If I would have told myself, like, I can't show up to this interview and I can't interview Erin without being polished, like, I would have never shown up because, like, there would always have been a reason. Like, we just never know. So I just love the, I love the message in general because also going back to your event and, like, kind of what you have going on and, like, everything you're piecing together, one thing that I love that you highlighted was that no matter what and whoever you are and you show up as you are, you're going to attract the people who are like you. Like minded. Especially because this event is predominantly and only women, correct? Correct. Correct. Yeah, so it's gonna be an opportunity for like other women to be able to come together and be like, I'm just showing up as who I am, like, come in your pantsuit, like, I don't care if that's like your style, like, go for it, but like, show up as who you actually authentically want to be, and then no matter what, everyone there is gonna find you. I'm sure everybody else wants to be broken out of their shell, but they get nervous, like, but then we got people like me and you, we're gonna be like all loud in front of


everyone. I'm gonna have a DJ there, so like, we'll break up like the tension in the room a bit. Yeah, it's and it is it's about having fun. So there's so much talk about the accounting industry aging And we're not attracting enough people in so listening to that like over and over and over again during podcasts because Honestly, when you're like working solo, I mean, even though I have a team, they're remote and so I'm by myself working a lot. So I always have a podcast thrown on and I feel like those are my coworkers a lot of times. Yeah. And so you just over, you just keep hearing, Oh, We're not attracting enough people into this industry. And so what do you do with that information? You could just hear it over and over again or you can be the change and you can help make it attractive So like that's another big part of this is like we are shaping each other so that we can Enjoy what we do And then share that joy with others so that people can be like, Oh, wow, like they're accountants and they actually love what they do. And like they're at an event with like a DJ having the time of their life. Yeah. Bookkeeper's gone wild. That's


amazing. Yeah, exactly. Like we're going to have fun. It's going to be a really good time. Like I'm like notorious for that. for, I'm like the queen of ordering party buses. It's like literally my thing. Any event I ever host or go to, I'm always, if I'm like, I will probably do something in Seattle by the way. So very exciting. I'm in. Most likely. Yeah. Well, 100 percent you better be there. I love putting together party buses because I like bringing people together and being like we're going to have fun and everyone's all nervous at first and then I'm on the strip pole, like having a grand old time, but like. But that's the thing, like, there's always, like, those people who are acceding to help people, like, get out of their shell, that, like, we're here, like, we don't have to take this so serious, like you said, I want to attract other people to be, like, Wow. I didn't think that, I thought accounting was boring and that you had to be boring when it's like, no, you don't have to be like, you could be fun, you know?


Yeah. Yeah. And you can also be serious about it and have dreams too. that's the great thing is there's a lot of conversation. I feel like every year I see these like trending words going into the industry and this year it just. So happens to a line that the word is mastermind. And so like all these masterminds are being created. And really that's kind of what one of the goals for this event is, is




find your people and like take this experience beyond May 22nd. Like find your people, get real, like show up as yourself.




vulnerable, hold each other accountable, like check in with each other after this, like maybe you and a few of the other attendees will want to start meeting once a week or once every other week after this to be like, Hey, did you implement that tool? Or did you fire that client? Or did you like raise your prices? And like, keep having the conversation to lead Anyone in in the other two growth.


Yeah, I love that. So let's talk more about like the event. So everyone knows like this, the details, some of the things that you have going on, what to expect. So we know that it's May 22nd. So one, you said that it's open to people from, you don't have to be just Seattle locals. They can all. Yeah, we are


happy to have anyone. We have a hotel room block at a hotel just a block and a half away. So it's open. We also will have like a Slack channel. I think we're going to go the Slack route for conference attendees to be able to communicate prior to the event and then after. So that way we can all get to know each other. Maybe people are flying in early. They want to go grab breakfast, lunch, dinner, or sightsee together. But the idea is like the event is not just 9 30 to 4 PM. It's like before. During, after and just to make the most of the connections that we'll be able to build. The event itself, so we're going to have, I believe, we're still working out the final speaker details. But we will have three speakers. I can speak for one for sure we're going to have a, an expert on peer board strategies. So we're actually going to go through this live simulation of what a peer board looks like. We're going to have women up on stage and we're going to dive into one or two core topics that most of us deal with when we are trying to move to whatever this next level looks like for us.


Yeah. Like advisory type


of thing. If they want to level up their services. Nice. Exactly. So she's going to have this simulation of a peer board. I mean, But it's going to be real because it's going to be real topics and we're going to get real feedback from the participants. And we're going to deep dive into some of those pain points and strategize how to push past and everyone in the audience is going to be able to participate, maybe ask some questions, maybe give some feedback. And I think that's going to be a really powerful point. And then I don't know if you heard, but you and Serena are going to get off the page. And. To say I'm so excited about this, like I'm freaking out and yes, it was a dream, which is why, because I actually lost my voice in November. I have like this mystery illness that I'm dealing with but it's diagnosis laryngitis, which laryngitis is caused by something else, but that's a whole other story. But because I went through this illness, I was on this like random steroid pack that did not let me sleep. And so like for two weeks, I was like laying in bed, like planning this entire event. Like, And I'm like, Oh, was I sleeping? Or was this real life? Am I planning this? Oh, yeah, I've been planning something in my head for like, three hours at 3am. And one of the thoughts that was either a dream, or maybe I was fully awake. I don't know, was you and Serena getting on the stage and hosting like a live podcast episode. And so like, I threw it out to Serena, I think in like a DM on Instagram. And she's like well, me and Alyssa are together and that sounds awesome. And so I was like, wait, what, like, could this be real? And sure enough, we have talked about it. And you both are such an inspiration to what this event means. And so it's going to be incredible. And really what I see from both of you is how you have continued to pursue something more each year. It's not just about growing a firm or leaving corporate, but it's about creating value for others. And it's about going to the next step and growing teams and building teams and then showing other people how to do it or showing people how to make magical unicorns pop up in Asana over and over again, you know Yeah, you guys are always striving and that's what I appreciate from both of you so much. So I'm really excited to have you guys share not only your beginning journey, but like, what are you guys doing next? And like, how do you think you'll get there?


Yeah, I love that. And I think one thing I will say about and Serena that you're so right, it's so, I didn't even think about it in that perspective, that it is so in alignment, especially if your value, your major value is people to walk away with a relationship, mastermind, like, a long term growth with someone, is, me and Serena have definitely really pushed the biz bestie thing on a lot of people. And not in like a weird, aggressive way. It's more like, We have so tried to convince this industry that like find your biz bestie, like they're probably at this event. So if you're here attending this type of event , you might be sitting next to who might be your future friend. Me and Serena met online. She sent me a simple DM. Like really simple dm that was just like we should connect. I was like you seem cool You seem cool Then we just started meeting every single week kind of like what your whole goals and values are for this specific event And then it turned into holy **** we actually have a friendship It wasn't just about business then it turned into life things like what's happening in your world And then we met for our first time in um Prescott. I think no, i'm sorry. It was scottsdale, arizona I flew out to her and it was easier because she's got kids over there and so we went and we hung out and we had the best time ever and like She's like one of my best friends. I just went to Arizona for a month and a half, and I stayed out there with my travel trailer visiting her, and like, I just, like, talk to her all the time, and like, but it's all about that one outreach. It's also about the opportunity. Like, if we didn't have Instagram or that space to be able to reach out to each other, we wouldn't have had that opportunity. Relationship and build that. I mean, I can't imagine my world without Serena in it. You know,


yeah Yeah, I think a lot of people you might not even know you're looking for that. Mm hmm when you have it like That's a game changer whether it's I mean biz bestie is so Awesome, but at the very least find community like That is the only reason I didn't start upkeeping sooner was because I was terrified What if I have a question? Like yeah, where do I turn? I don't have someone in the next office or what if I have a really hard day like where do I go? Who do I talk to about that? and finding community Is the difference for me. Like I was targeted by Serena's one of her workshops and that changed my life. And so I think, yeah, I think there's so much room for community in firms and in, in people's lives.


Yeah, 100%. I think this is going to be so much fun. I definitely am so excited because I know that for right now what we know and understand that me and Serena, because we're still also working out, what are we going to do? We're just excited to be doing like a live podcast because we both have a podcast and like, to do like a live podcast, like interactive, it's going to be so much fun and, We bring the vibe, like for sure we're gonna bring it. I've got a sweet surprise for everyone because we do actually have a sponsorship booth. Me and Serena will be a sponsor, so as well as not only being on stage as well at one point, but we will have a conjoined booth which we're very, very excited about. And I've got a surprise, I'm not gonna tell you guys, just know that you better bring You better be excited to be catching things. Not going to tell you more details because it might involve money and it's going to be so fun. And Erin gave me full permission to bring this crazy thing and I'm super pumped. That's all I'm giving you guys. Same. I'm so excited for it. Like I literally was like, I had this idea and I was like, Erin, I'm going to pitch this to you. Is this okay if I do this? And she's like, no. That is so freaking cool and I'm, like, so excited to be bringing it. Yeah, like, if you don't want


to come for community, just come for the surprise.


It's going to be so fun. I'm excited. So a little bit about the event and stuff. Do people have to bring their own food? What's kind of, like, included? What's, like, the ticketing, like?


Yeah. All the things. So, it's, um, All inclusive for the day, meaning for the entire event, there's going to be breakfast, there's going to be lunch, and I don't know if you've ever been to a conference where, like, you're thirsty, or, like, you need coffee, like, right away, and there's, like, nothing, it's, like, no, you should have got it at breakfast. Yeah, I'm that was like my number one like non negotiable. I'm like all day beverage cart, please So yeah, I love that. What a water coffee tea like whenever you want And so yeah, all that's included The event is at the collective which is in downtown, Seattle very aesthetically pleasing venue and we will Also have like I said opportunities to meet up Before and then after we will put out communications for that after registration in the next few weeks, actually.


Yeah, I love that because I definitely know that I'm probably going to want to do meeting all the people. So I can't wait to be in the Slack channel. So I can be like, what's everyone doing? Yeah. And we're going to have a hotel room


block too. So I just got the link today for that booking and we'll be sharing that with people who have already registered and sponsors as well.


Oh, cool. I'm excited because I know that I think me and Serena, our plan is to come at least a day earlier. I think for me, I'll probably go too. I've never been to Washington. It's actually somewhere that I've been, I've had on my bucket list. I was originally supposed to do a travel trailer trip. When I did my first one for three months, I was supposed to shoot up to Washington and then come down. but I didn't make it because I had to be back for Temecula for a Bookkeeper's Gone Wild event. And so I ended up having to shoot back down and so I'm very excited to be visiting Washington and to check it out. So I will definitely be there early. So for anyone who wants to like meet up, maybe by the time you guys register, let me know and I'm probably happy to meet up and I will 100 percent be doing Party Bus at one point. Yeah. So anybody who's interested in maybe potentially being a part of the Party Bus, Email me at supportatworkflowqueen. com. I'm pretty sure I'm happy to put something together. I think it'd be a lot of fun. And of course you better be there as well because that would be a blast.


Yeah, oh, I'll be there. It's just like how much fun, maybe if we do it after the event, then I can Oh,


100%. It would have to be after the event. There's no way, like, me, I have to, like, also, I'm really big on, like, when I do these types of things, I get very mentally drained. Yeah. Because even though I do like people, I get very peopled out very easily. Like, I get overwhelmed by a lot of people. people even though like in the moment I will be having a lot of fun. It'll be great. I just have to rest for like three days following. So usually whenever I'm going to an event, even if especially if I'm speaking, I usually like protect my energy. So I usually don't do the fun stuff like that until after the event anyways. So I'm here for that. Let's do it. I'm down. Yeah, it's going to be fun. So where can, I know that there's going to be a link in the show notes for anyone who's interested in the event. I will link it below for you guys. That way you can easily sign up. There's a limited amount of tickets. So do you want to talk about the limited amount of tickets so people know, like, get on it, get your **** together and make it happen?


Yeah. So we're really wanting to make this a meaningful event where there's a Not a thousand people in the room. Yes, you're really small. So we have like a goal at least 50 women in the room is is the goal? And so pre sale was great And tickets will remain on sale until I think 30 days prior is like when I have to put in all my hard numbers but I really think it'll probably sell out before then, so. I


100 percent have full faith that it's going to sell out in the next like couple of weeks.


Yeah, and we also have a great volunteer team of women who are local. And also not local who are, you know, sharing and figuring out what the best kind of swag would be for the event and like really being intentional on how to make this event just amazing. So the tickets are on the website, which you can share the link. And then if you have any questions please feel free to email info at wave Seattle. com.


Yes, I love that. Perfect. So I'm sure that there might be people asking about where to come into, where to fly into, and I'm assuming that's probably going to be Seattle. Is there an airport there? Yeah, SeaTac. Yeah,


SeaTac is the easiest. We also have Painfield, which is about 30 minutes north which is a great small airport if you can get a flight there. They're usually more expensive, but very easy to navigate.


Yeah, and about how much can people anticipate, I know this will be on the sales page, but about how much can people anticipate for tickets for this type of event?


Yeah, so regular sale is occurring now 3. 97 for the entire day. And that's so like, that's so like nothing.


Yeah. That's like nothing. Like you're making it 100 percent accessible, especially with all inclusive food, with like fun and like connection, like that to me is a massive steal.


Yeah, and that was part of it too was like, I want to make it accessible. I don't want the ticket price to hold people back because especially for those who are going to be flying into I, I know when like I just got my scaling new heights ticket. I was like, Oh, I also have to get a hotel room for four days and yeah, Orlando. For those people flying. And I know that the greater expenses are going to be the hotel and the flight. So yeah, as accessible as we can make it.


Yeah. I love that. Isn't it so cool when you like get to a point where like you have people coming in from other locations to come into your event? Isn't that like the coolest freaking thing ever? Yep. Yeah. I think it's honestly one of, like, my favorite things, like, whenever I do, like, a retreat, we just did our in person boardroom strategy session, which I think you were going to go to, but things kept coming up, right? Was it that or was it the retreat before? I can't remember which one it was. Oh, so


the retreat before, I had to, like, go on a run and break my elbow, which was really dumb. Yeah. But yeah, um, no, I wanted to go to this last one too, but I think I had another event.


Yeah, something was like crossing over. And I, to me, it was so cool. Cause I was like, there's no way it's just, we're going to be in, cause me and Serena put it on like last minute being scrappy and like, going back to what you said, like, I've seen you be scrappy, like with this, which is cool. Like, I think it's awesome. It's a good reminder to people. Like if you try to make everything perfect, like you said, you had to work through that at the very beginning. Um, You're only going to stall yourself when just like, get it up there. You'll figure out the website. You'll figure out all the links. You'll figure it all out later. Well, when me and Serena put together our in person boardroom strategy session in Scottsdale, I was like, there's no way it's just going to be people local to Scottsdale. I knew there was a lot of people in Arizona that we knew from our courses and we put it out there. We had people flying in from Texas. Like we had two girls from Texas. One was from Arizona and then another one was from another state, but then she was drove in like she had a visiting like family. And I always think it's so cool because I'm like, I can't even get my real friends in real life to fly into my state. I can't get random strangers online who like have been a part of my programs to be like fully committed to like fly to a state for me.


Yep. Sign me up. I mean, you know, it's crazy. Yeah. And it's such a, an honor that people would be like, Oh yeah, I trust that you're building this out and it's going to be great. And to that point, Most of the women who are flying out, you know, I've just kept in touch with. I've either met them from Serena's community or from other like networking groups like Entreprenista League. And we've just had communications online and they're all like, Oh, you're doing this? Sweet. I'm in. So. Yeah. It's just really cool because a lot of us, like I said, are doing this solo, trying to figure things out, and you might think, like, a virtual network sounds crazy, but, like, there's so many opportunities to make it a real life experience.


Oh yeah, you just have to take the leap and someone has to start organizing it and putting it together.




You know, because that's like my big thing in 2025, is like more of these types of, because we have a retreat, but it was only available to Breakthrough students, which we sold out in the first 24 hours, and it was, it's in Zion, in March, I think it's end of March is when we're going, but all you have to do is just create the space, because like nobody's really, because it's hard, as you know, someone who's building out an event, it is not easy, because you have to find the place, and how much money is it, like, how are we going to get the food, how are people going to get there, like, there's so many factors that go into building this, but when someone does put it together, it's like, I think that's why people flock, because I know that people know it's hard, like, I always encourage, like, our own Breakthrough students, it was so cool to start seeing, like, My own students be like, hey, I'm, I'm in this state. Is anybody there? I'm like, it's so cool to know that like we're creating communities that allow for people to connect with each other beyond like just sitting in this little lonely, like you said, office. I'm by myself. My dog doesn't talk. He is not very helpful. He's cute though. Oh, you're lucky mine does. He's a husky


and he doesn't say nice things. So


yeah He's probably like always like singing to something. F you. Yeah, really? Feed me. Oh, yes. Yes. I love that so much. Yeah, my dog definitely just sits there and just stares. Who knows where he's at at this point. I'm really excited for this event, and I think that for anyone listening, if you've been really craving connection, especially just feeling lonely in the space, and like you said, this year a lot of people are like leaning into in person events. I say, get in on it. It's such a great price. It's super affordable. It is something that Seattle is super accessible to get to. You're going to meet some crazy and incredible people, but my one tip to take to any event that you ever go to and ever attend to is just allow yourself to open up. If you go and you close yourself off, I understand that we are nervous human beings. It is nerve wracking to meet new people, but just know with the right people. I know that Erin's such a good human. She's going to make sure that there are so many different touch points. That allow you to feel safe, but if you come with the intention of being safe for other people, other people will be safe for you. And I know you're like me, where we're only going to attract those types of people so for anyone listening, like, and you're just craving that, I think that this is going to be such a beautiful event, and you better get on it, because there's not that many tickets, so. Yeah, join us. Let's go. Yeah, it's going to be fun. So anything that you want to share last minute before we kind of head off for anyone listening, I will drop the link below this episode in the show notes for you guys to go to the landing page to see if there's still tickets available and also hop in and lock yourself in. But anything that you wanted to share or ways that people could connect with you?


Yeah. So I'm most active on LinkedIn, which has been a really fun, non intentional social experiment, but it's worked out really well and I've built a lot of relationships. There. The last thing I just want to share is even if you can't make it to this event here in Seattle in May Whether you are just starting your own business or you've been around for a long time, I want you to know that there's space for you in this industry, there's space for your voice. That's something that I didn't know for a long time and show up. There's so many supportive and encouraging people in this industry who want to see you succeed. They want to help you and they just need to know you exist. So




we want to know you.


Yes. I love that so much. And we'll drop all the details and all the info. And thank you so much, Erin, for being here and for putting this together. I know it's such a feat to put on some sort of an event like this. And so the sacrifice you're making for the greater good is just so incredible.


Thank you. See you in May.