Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
Attracting Your Dream Clients: Marketing Strategies That Actually Work
In this solo episode, Alyssa Lang shares unique marketing strategies to enhance trust and business growth for bookkeepers and accountants. Alyssa shares how to leverage client testimonials, create compelling communication channels, and align marketing tactics with genuine client preferences, ensuring your business is primed for future success!
In this episode you’ll hear:
- How to define your ideal client profile to ensure your marketing speaks directly to the clients who align with your goals and values
- Creating a value-based marketing message that highlights the benefits you bring to clients, like time savings, financial clarity, and peace of mind
- Unique marketing approaches that set your firm apart, including hosting niche-specific webinars, sharing client success stories, and building a referral network
Resources mentioned in this episode:
💻 Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants
🎙️ Listen to episode #3: Building a $1.5 Million Firm with no Bookkeeping Experience with Melissa Honan
🎙️ Listen to episode #50: Unique Marketing Strategies for Bookkeepers & Accountants
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If finding and attracting your ideal client is something that's on the top of your list right now, then you are going to enjoy today's episode. So I'm going to be deep diving into how to make sure that your firm is set up for sustainable growth. As your ideal clients are starting to roll in. And as those new clients are rolling in, how are we actually going to attract them and bring them into our space? And we're going to help you in today's episode on defining your ideal client profile, creating a marketing message that speaks directly to your clients and I want to share some unique marketing tactics that actually set you apart from everybody else. So you don't just sound like every other bookkeeper accountant right now. So I am so excited to be diving in because I really hope that this episode helps you to attract your dream clients and that you can use these marketing strategies to really amplify your firm's growth. He there and welcome back to the podcast today. We're diving into a topic that's on everyone's mind. Which is all about how to attract your dream clients with marketing strategies that actually work. But before we get into the actual Howard the episode, I really want to start with something super important. I see so many firms. Who want to kick up their marketing efforts, bring in more clients and do all the fun things and open up the flood gates. But here's the catch. If you don't have the right systems, team and offers in place. Bringing in those clients guys will actually just create more stress. And not even the success that you actually want from it. You can start to feel like you are just overwhelmed and overworked, and you're just working late nights or your team is overwhelmed. And there's a lot of missed opportunities with this when you are just wanting to ramp up the marketing without really thinking of sometimes a repercussion on the back end of that. So that's why before diving in today, strategies. I'll be starting with sharing some of the ways that you can ensure that you are set up for success and growth, as you are kicking up your marketing for the longterm goals that you have in your business. So, if you're ready to learn how to attract clients, who respect your value, aligned with your mission. Then help you grow profitably. I want you to stick around, I'll be covering the steps to get your firm ready for more clients, how to create a marketing message to actually speaks directly to your ideal client and unique marketing tactics. So you're not just blending in with everyone else. Because everyone right now, if you look in the online bookkeeping space, Everybody is talking about the same thing posting the same thing y'all are probably sharing the same type of social media templates. And we want to make sure that you're standing out plus I'll share some of my marketing strategies have actually worked for me and my firm and what we're doing currently to really ramp up and get ready for 2025. So let's go ahead and jump in. So before we get started, I just wanted to share a bit of a personal journey and something that I felt really called to share with you guys. So really interestingly enough, one year ago almost to the date. It's so interesting. I actually pulled this up right before this episode, about one year to the date. I actually went to my team and I shared a resource with them, which is actually a resource that I provided my breakthrough program. It's called. Who do you currently serve? Worksheet? And this worksheet, I not only give to my students, but I also use it for myself. So what I did was I myself, the owner, plus my team filled out this. Who do you currently serve worksheet? I wanted to hear from the team members that we had at that time. Plus also. reflect, for myself as well. I wanted to see how we actually felt about our clients. What actually came up for us, who do we prefer to work with? What's the revenue range? What are their personality traits? And so through this process, funny, like funny enough through this whole process, we ended up finding out some commonalities and some trends between the clients that our team actually genuinely loved to work with. And we actually switched our whole entire like business model, essentially because of this one worksheet, it was super powerful for us. So this is something that we do provide in our breakthrough. So if you're a breakthrough student just feel free to go to your offers module it's in there, just so that if you want to reevaluate, because sometimes we just pick up clients along the way, and then we're just like, why are we serving these people? They aren't in alignment with me. So when I did that, it really helped us to shift. We actually now leaned into a different. Marketing approach. And also the way that we serve people. So now, because of this worksheet, we found out that people who were making over 250 K in their business, We're the ones that my team member, where really enjoying working with and also women owned businesses. And so before we just genuinely had served online course creators, coaches and creatives didn't matter if your. A man or a woman, but we found through this resource that we were still going to stick with that same niche. But then that we, we really found that we enjoyed anyone making over 250 K plus they were women and there's some other personality traits and things inside of there. And so I just want to encourage you guys and know that. It is okay to switch things. It's okay. To change your marketing strategies. Okay. Changing up who you're attracting, especially if it, if you've been in business for quite some time. So I want to remind you that if you can, we'll talk about that here in just a second, about defining your ideal client profile. And I'll share with you some of the setup that we have in that worksheet. I was sharing with you. So we're currently in a season of growth right now in my firm. And with that season of growth, it just means that we are preparing for 2025. That means we're ramping up all of our social media. We kind of paused it for a little bit because I kind of was just going through a weird phase of not really knowing what I wanted to do at the firm at this time. And I'm just being very transparent with you guys. But we are picking back up our social media managers, because we had a lot of conversions from Instagram, which we're going to talk about here in just a second. So I just wanted to share that backstory with you guys at these things are so important. To make sure that you are redefining the way that you're marketing to make sure you're attracting the right people. So attracting your dream clients. Isn't just about, you know, about getting more business. It's about really working with the people who truly align with your expertise, understand your processes and make work more fulfilling for both you and your team. So when you're attracting clients who actually align with these values, your marketing becomes a lot easier. Your days feel lighter and your work feels more in impactful. So imagine what it would feel like to only work with clients who actually respect your time. Pay your rates without hesitation and are actually excited to work with you. That's a dream client and that's something that we want to consistently attract for you. So before we dive into the different steps. Of how to actually attract your dream client and some of the marketing strategies. I just want to pause for just a second. I want to prompt you guys. If you're driving, then come back to this episode. If you're walking to come back to this episode, but if you're sitting down. I'm going to encourage you to just grab a piece of paper. Or do it on your notes I'll app on your phone, really? It's up to you. I want you to just think for a second, give yourself two to three minutes. And I just want you to think through. Who makes you happy in your firm? Like what clients are you so happy with working with? Is it because they have an amazing personality? Is it because they pay your rates without hesitation. What is it? What is it about what you're trying to attract that we want to bring up today? I wanted to do this exercise. It's so important to understand who is your dream client with like who you also internally align with, but there are some logistics and ways to do this. So. Without further ado, let's go ahead and dive into today's steps. So the first step to attracting your dream clients to define your ideal client profile. So earlier I was sharing my personal journey that one year ago I had my team fill out this resource that we provide in breakthrough that I use in my own firm. It's called. Who do you currently serve? And on this worksheet. It's super straightforward. All we do is we pull all of our clients. Onto this list, it's a spreadsheet and we just have different columns for our team and myself to also fill it out. And so what it is is things like the personality traits of that client, their industry, you know How do they treat your team and your company? Do you actually dislike anything about this client? Like what do you charge them? What's the level of ease are they adaptable to the system? There's so many things that we had onto the spreadsheet . The last column while we ended up putting was overall rating. And so we had the team also, not only myself, but also each team member rate each client, because how I feel about a client, who's like more attachment isn't in the day-to-day work is going to be wildly different than the ones like our bookkeepers, who are wildly in the day-to-day. And then the account managers will have different feedback because they're actually in the communication with the client. So everyone's going to feel different ways about our client. And so. With this, we essentially fill out the spreadsheet and this allows us the opportunity to see the commonalities. So a lot of times people are like, Alyssa, I do something like that. I know what I don't like, and I know what I do. Like. That's great, but have you ever actually jotted it down and saw and taken the time? To actually look at the spreadsheet to see. Oh, that's interesting. I've noticed that people who are rated anywhere from eight. Two 10 have you know, their personality traits is someone who really values our work and has no hesitation of paying us. And so you'll start to see trends. And so that's always recommend looking at one massive spreadsheet with all of your clients and rating every single one of them. Because of this exercise, guys, we literally let go of so many clients over the whole entire year. It's insane. Like this resource is like one of my favorite resources and I tell people and break through all the time. Do not forget to. Fill out your, who do you currently serve worksheet? It's not just about listing out all your clients. It truly is to gain some perspective to see what we can attract more of. This also helps guys, when you are really talking about your marketing message, which is step two. So we're gonna talk about that here in just a second. When he started to get into your marketing message, it's also super key to understand these things because that's how you can use it and infuse it in your marketing messaging. So for example, If you find that a majority of your clients that you really love working with. Really value your service and have no hesitation in paying for your services. And. That they genuinely are always saying thank you. And that they just can't. I imagine their life without you. Then you need to use that on your marketing. Use that in your messaging. And it's just a couple of tweaks. I think a lot of people think you have to hire brand new copywriter and change your whole entire website. Guys, I can't tell you how many times I've gotten on calls with people. In the industry and I've been like, it's just a couple tweaks here and there. And I would point it out and they'd be like, wow. I thought it would be like this big feet, this big overhaul. I'm like, no, it simply is a couple of tweaks in your word. Words on your site and also the way you speak to people during your prospecting process as well. So it's super, super important guys. Like I mentioned, to make sure that you're defining your ideal client. And you can use that same concept in theory similar to the worksheet that we provide inside of breakthrough of the, who do you currently serve? I gave you guys some ideas for columns. We have more columns than just that, but those are some columns that you can get started with. So step number two, to attracting your dream clients is build a value based marketing message. So I'm gonna talk about this here for just a second. So I see this all the time and it's totally normal guys. I'm not singling you out. I swear. It says coming from a place of love. I see. So often in this industry, people constantly telling prospects whether on the sales call. Whether on their website or in their Instagram posts. I see it all people of everyone just saying things like we reconcile X number of accounts. We do this, we categorize transactions. We'd like the, like the facts, the things that you would literally put in your project management system, however, what you need to lead with and what really pulls the heartstrings for clients to work with us is using benefits and values over those little facts that are like tasks. The things that we do. They don't care about the tasks that we have to perform to get the work done. They're more concerned about how much time are you actually saving them? Are you giving them financial clarity and confidence? Are you giving them more stress or less stress or peace of mind or demonstrating strategic financial growth? Like. The clients don't care about the number of accounts that you have to reconcile. All they care about is how are you going to help them in the longterm feel or. A certain way. Yes. At the end of the day, they might need some specific reports. They might use those types of languages. But I always tell people. Stop just telling them the tasks that you're going to perform. And really think through what are the true benefits of the job that you're going to perform for them? I mentioned a couple of them a second ago. So I won't repeat those, but just go back and think about the way that you are. And I'm not talking about just on your website guys. I am actually talking about the way you speak to people during your calls, during your sales calls. And this is where if you haven't had the opportunity, I'm actually going to leak a podcast episode. A really good one. It's by Melissa. Honan. And I interviewed her. She's actually one of the first people I interviewed here on the podcast. And I'll link that in the show notes. We talked about sales and how to actually approach the conversation that it's not just about saying, well, we book keep and we charge you this. And this is like how many accounts we reconcile on that? Yes, guys, we need to know that information 100%. However, the way you position it is wildly different to have a lot of success in sales. And I know that she's built like a $1.5 million firm. And she's the sales person on that. and within her firm. So I will link that episode, be low, this episode here for you guys to listen to that. It is such a great conversation. I just love Melissa. So step number three, to attracting your dream clients, guys is unique marketing approaches. So. This is my absolute favorite topic. It's so funny because I get a lot of people in the industry always asking me. Alyssa. When are you ever going to teach marketing? And I have really shied away from this because really my whole zone of genius is helping you guys with offer systems and team. So that you can remove yourself from the day-to-day. And I truly love marketing and I'm actually really good at it. And it's not something that came naturally to me. And actually I came to me when I started this company workflow queen. And now it's just really infused into my own firm as well. And it's so interesting to me because I take a lot of tactics that I learned in this industry as a course creator. And I actually use it within my firm and because it's so unique, a lot of people are like, oh, wow. That sounds like a really fun firm to work with because it's so unique. So let's talk about a couple of unique marketing approaches that you can implement within your firm to really kick up the marketing and be a little bit different. Like I said, everybody in the industry is all typically doing the same thing. I do know several from owners that are actually doing things a little bit differently. And it makes me so excited because I do see their success and it just goes to show that. Like you guys, the old way of doing things. It's just like when people used to do pen and paper of doing bookkeeping, like. They literally used to balance their. Accounts literally on a piece of paper, like there's no way that would work anymore. Like, it doesn't mean that's not obviously not possible to work. Of course it's possible. However, it's not going to be the most efficient way to do it. When we now have all this technology that can help us do it faster. And so same goes for marketing tactics and strategies, the old ways of doing Things. Yes, they might work, but at the same time being unique and different approaches and really adapting to the future actually goes a really, really long way in the success of your marketing. So strategy number one. For your marketing approach is host a niche specific mini webinar or a live Q and a so. A lot of people were like, I don't have a niche, Alyssa. So how am I gonna, you know, do this very specific niche thing or workshop or something like that. And it's okay if you don't have a niche, that's fine. You could do something more generic, but having a niche always puts you up to an advantage because then you can speak to their terms and the way that they speak. So for example, And my for magnetic profits, we actually serve course graders, coaches, and creative. So when we're talking to course creators, if I'm ever doing a webinar, I'm most likely using words like launch and heavy cashflow seasons and dips in revenue because you're not selling in your courses. I understand the lingo because I also am a course creator. And if you are not also that thing, you can just do a lot of research to understand it. So for example, If maybe you serve construction companies. Then maybe your webinar or your workshop might be how to keep your labor costs down. Specific to construction industry. So I'm giving you these examples because niche is great, but if you don't have it, that's totally fine. You can still be successful in this, but here are a couple of examples and you guys can literally use these as titles and just do the research and build out like a mini presentation or Q and a. A couple of examples. You can literally name these financial foundations for scaling your business. What every growing business owner needs to know about their financials. Next one, top five bookkeeping, mistakes, small business owners make and how to actually avoid them. Next one. Mastering cashflow simple tips to keep your business thriving year round. another a webinar topic could be. Is your pricing profitable, a step-by-step guide to setting the right rates within your business. And then the last idea for you guys is year-end financial checklist. Get your books in order before tax season and what you need to have in place. Those are some great examples. Those can be Q and A's guys, and they don't have to be this crazy big presentation with slides. You can literally take these topics and if you have some sort of a social media platform, You can even go out. And do like a live Q and a, or you can just partner with someone in the industry. It doesn't have to be complicated guys, but when you are putting yourself out there, and I know and understand I've talking to an industry. That is mostly introverted. Trust me. I understand guys. The only reason I'm like seem extroverted guys, I'm actually an introverted extrovert is like what I like to call myself. The only reason I've learned to be extroverted is actually because of this workflow queen company, because I do have to host webinars because I have to do live presentations and I host these challenges, go live on my stories and I do all these different things. It's actually allowed me to come out of my shell a little bit more. And now I can do that and infuse that into my firm as well. So. I've done plenty of different mini webinars and presentations. In front of different audiences, I've also just had a couple people show up, guys. And it's okay if you don't have a crap ton of people showing up to these webinars or these Q and A's at the very beginning, this is something that's new to you. I just, no one understand. It takes time to build your audience that are going to attend, but those people there, when they attend these webinars at the end of the webinar or this workshop, You can just simply say, and if you want to learn more, if you want to work with our firm feel free to reach out and book a call with bubble, blah, blah, blah. sometimes we put time sensitive things. So we'll say like, we're going to give away three free diagnostic reviews for the first three people who book calls with us. Like things like that. So like, you guys. This is my favorite part about marketing is how much fun I can have with the way that, like how much fun I can have with. Marketing and unique ways that get people right in front of me. And so before I move on to the next strategy for how to actually be unique in the marketing approach, I do want to preface guys. That one thing that really changed my mind or changed the game for me when it came to marketing, because I used to be really scared of marketing. And now it's like my favorite thing actually in my firm. It was systems, but now it's actually transitioned more to marketing and that's probably because my operations person. Is like taking over all the systems. So like now I like really drawn to the marketing. But one thing that changed the game for me is changing my mindset. Marketing is just the playground that I play in. Let me repeat that one more time. Marketing is just the playground that I get to play in. That means it is the opportunity for me to have so much fun in so many unique ways. And not put so much pressure on myself to make myself think that it has to be perfect. And I want the same for you. I want you to take a step back and allow yourself the opportunity to say. Marketing is just the playground, the playground that I get to play in to get myself in front of other people. And it's fun if you convince yourself it's fun, guys, it's going to feel fun. But if you convince yourself that it's hard, of course, it's going to feel hard whenever you're marketing. So I just want to kind of share that with you guys that really changed the game for me. So another unique approach. to marketing is to create case studies or testimonials stories. So let me explain this one. We all know it's important to capture testimonials. Absolutely. However, this was actually something that a coach of mine, gave me this idea. Oh my God. Like years ago, her name is Jill. She gave me this idea and it was like so transformative for me. So what she had suggested was take the before video, which is actually your, your prospect call. So the original console call. And what you're going to do is with the permission of the client, obviously. What you can do is re-interview your client. After you've been working with them for quite some time and just say, Hey, I'd love to get on a call with you. And you just share your experience of how you're feeling right now. With working with our firm. What types of pain points have we alleviated for you? Stuff like that. So you're doing a video testimony with them on video. And you ask them, can we actually take parts of the original consult call that we had on video with you that we still have record of? And can we actually chop it up into a before and after video testimonial? And I can't tell you how many times that we actually do this at workflow queen. I haven't implemented this yet at my firm, mostly because like, we haven't needed to do this because we find clients quite easily. So it's not something that we need to do. However, it is something that's on my radar to do over at my firm. But at workflow queen, we do do this pretty often. It's very successful. And so a lot of times you're like, yeah, that's totally fine with me. And I almost always tell them, like, don't worry, before we publish it live, we will send it over to you to make sure that it's in alignment with you, that you like it, that it's not giving away any information that. Is kind of singling you out or whatever, right? And so what we do is we take that video. We do a video testimonial with the client. Then we take the before video. So, so I always say record all your console calls, guys. If you're doing it on zoom, we restore all of them. And it's because of this reason, because then we can go back with the permission of the client. To chop up the, before to the after. And so we just have a video editor that we found on like Upwork that essentially just takes both videos and it's like a. Oh, my God before working with. You know, magnetic profits and Alyssa and her team and stuff. I'm just been so overwhelmed and so overworked. And now this is how I feel. And so it's a great opportunity to see that if you don't have the before video guys, don't worry. You can just infuse questions in your testimonial video. That essentially asked them how they felt before versus how they feel now. So don't feel like you have to do both. You can just always do the after video. So video testimonials go a really long way guys, because they do have the opportunity for people to hear the emotion. And it doesn't mean that like written testimonials aren't. bad either. It's just, I like to give people incentive to say, I'd love to get on a testimonial call. Like we can support you in an extra way. If you can take the time to do this with us, we would love that. And trust me guys, a lot of people are willing to do it. you just have to make it really easy for them to give the testimonial. Another thing too. Is when people give you testimonials, they can be in written form, video form, whatever makes the most sense. Share it on your marketing channels. So wherever clients find you or wherever people are attracted to, getting into your space, then share your testimonials that are, put them on your website, put them on your Instagram, put them on your Facebook, wherever it is that people are finding you. So for example, for us, we actually find a lot of clients through Instagram. And that is mostly because the social media management company that we work with. We have found that a lot of the course creators that we work with actually like. Literally live on Instagram because that's like their niche is also finding people on Instagram. So it made sense for us to go on Instagram. We have like a really high conversion rate from people who follow us on Instagram. And so of course, we're going to share a testimonials. there more than if I were to go to LinkedIn. That wouldn't make sense for me. So make sure you're choosing the right marketing channel for you. Another marketing strategy that you can use in your firm is connect prospects with current clients to give testimonials as well. So this comes in handy a lot. We do this a lot at both magnetic plus here at workflow queen. I should say someone's on the fence about signing up to work with us and the advisory package, or even over here at workflow queen. If someone's on the fence about signing up for a certain program. Yes guys. I know and love all my services and all my programs. I'm obviously very biased, like 100%. So sometimes people are like, is there any way that I can talk to maybe a current client or someone that you're currently serving and ask them their feedback? Like one-on-one. So, what we do is we have, certain clients that have already given us full permission to do this. one of them, she's so awesome. She's actually the very first client we had here at my firm and our clients, what they do is we just our prospects when they come in the pipeline and they're asking these questions, I'm like, Would it be helpful if I actually introduced you to one of our current clients who can give you their experience and you can hear it directly from them because obviously I'm biased. At my own services, I think they're going to really support you, but would that be supportive? And a lot of times they're like, absolutely. And I'll just do an email intro, which I've already been given permission by our clients. We do the same thing here at workflow queen. Sometimes people are on the fence about breakthrough because breakthrough is up. It's definitely a higher fee. And I understand that. So some people want to hear it directly from the students, even though we have a crap ton of video testimonials on our websites. We have all these different places that we have testimonials. Sometimes people still want to hear it directly from them and get their specific questions answered. So if you haven't already just reach out to your clients and just say, Hey guys, We are really ramping up our testimonials. I'd love to see if you can get on a video call so we can do a video testimonial or even just submit a written testimonial. In the meantime, we're also asking any clients who would be willing to. As new prospects come in. That can actually talk about their experience. Directly to anybody who's on the fence who might want to talk to a current client. Is that something you'd be interested in? That's what we did. We did that like two years ago. And like we had so many people be like, absolutely. I would show you guys out from the rooftop. Cool. Thank you. So don't be as free to ask your clients to help you, to give you testimonials to support you. you'd be really surprised. They really love working with you guys. They will seriously shout you out from the rooftop. So another marketing strategy that you can implement is offer a value, packed freebie with an email follow-up. So I know that we all didn't come from marketing and I know you have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to freebies. Maybe some of you guys do know what that means, but what I mean by this guys and this, for me, it took a really long time for me to understand. And so anyways, what this means is you give something to someone for free. In order to receive their email or certain information, email, phone number, whatever makes the most sense. To then be able to follow up with them. Because obviously if they opted in for that freebie, they're clearly interested in whatever it is that you're offering that is encompassed within that freebie. So I'll give you some examples of this. So for example, in my firm, we actually do a free 15 minute diagnostic review. And it's high level. It's quick. It's not something complicated. We don't do like a super crazy thorough one and they know that if they want a super crazy thorough one with all the list of all the problems. They have to pay for that, but if they just want a quick thorough one, just to see. Am I on the right track or not? We actually offer that for free, but they have to get on a consult call with us in order for us to make sure that first of all, that they're fully aligned with us because if they're not fully aligned with us or not in our niche, we can't help them. And I can't even give them feedback in some sort of diagnostic reveal. And so with that being said, we give that away for free. And so essentially they hop on a call with us. It's an opportunity for us to get to know them, make sure they're aligned with us. We do the free diagnostic. We send them a proposal and I let them know that on that call. Usually let them know, like there's no pressure. I'm going to send you over a video overview. Of your books and if you're on the right track or if you're not, and then I'm also going to send you a proposal, if you want us to support you and fixings moving forward, but there's absolutely zero pressure. And we have a really good conversion rate from people who opt into our free diagnostic review. I think right now it's like 75%, which is actually quite high. And to people actually end up signing onto the proposal. And so we offer that for free because it's really not that much effort that they have to put into it. They don't have to pay for it. And then they can see the value on that call. Plus within the diagnostic review video. If you don't want to do anything like that. You can do something as simple as potentially just, you know, a freebie that's like five tax strategies are, I wouldn't do that if you're not a tax repair, but let's just use this as an example, five tax strategies that you should be implementing within your business today. So save you a lot of money. And it's a freebie. They get to opt in, they get sent a PDF. That's like five strategies, Then you have email followups and you can do this through systems like constant contact is one that's big. I've never used them. But they're an email marketing. System. And you can use these types of softwares to automate the email follow-up so you can create what's called sequences. So from the freebie you deliver over the five. You know, tax strategies that they can use within their business, it's in a PDF format. You send it over to them and then you send them five emails that follow up. That just pretty much say like, Hey, did you get a chance to check out the strategies that I sent over to you? If you want to learn more, feel free to hop on a call with me. And then you just keep kind of gently nudging them and you share testimonials until they finally like book a call, but usually we only give them so many emails. And so that's a really great way, but that can also be really overwhelming. I will tell you. To hell of a lot easier to get testimonials, push them onto your website and also create like some sort of a workshop than it is to create a freebie in the email. Follow-up. So the last strategy that I want to share with you guys on marketing strategies that you can implement. Is go where your niches go, guys, if you do have a niche or even if you don't guys is still concept remains the same, but how are you going to find and attract the people that you want to work with? Guys, you have to figure out where they hang out. Like physically and also online. So like where are they going? Are they going to industry events? What publications are they reading? What podcasts are they listening to? Who do they actually like work with? Who were their coaches, who were the industry experts that they lean on? Like. Figure out where the people you want to work with, where they go. So the reason I share this is because for example, in my firm, We work with course creators, coaches and creatives with that being said, I am not going to go on a podcast to be a guest on some construction companies like podcasts. That wouldn't make sense for me because that's not who I work with. However, it makes it a lot easier for me to say. I want to make sure that I'm on a couple podcasts for. Designers or for, the certain brands or something, whatever makes the most sense that their audience is the people who should be working with me. And so I've been on so many different podcasts at my firm. I've also done a lot of podcasts here at workflow queen. So that's an option. You can also reach out to publication or blog sites that feature like people on the blog site, like feature experts, and you can just pitch it as, Hey guys, I'm an expert in insert your expertise. Like I'm an expert in bookkeeping and financial consulting. And I would love to give your audience some value and just really give them a lot of knowledge around X. So the topic. And so it can be something like the five tax strategies that they should implement within their business in order to save more money. And you give them the specifics and the details. And a lot of times I'll be like, yeah, actually, can you write an article for that? They can write an article, they'll push it to their audience who are going to be the readers who are going to work with you. So I always say, find out where they hang out, what they do. What events they go to, can you sponsor those events and so on and so forth? And I know that's a lot of different ideas. But if you want to hear more about some other unique marketing strategies, then go listen to episode number 50 here on the podcast, which is labeled unique marketing strategies for bookkeepers and accountants. I'll also link it below the show notes for you guys, so that we can go listen to that. I do expand more on some other ideas for marketing strategies as well. So the last two steps to attracting your dream clients guys. And then we're going to wrap this episode up here today. Is step number four is to position yourself as an authority with relevant content. So going back to the way that you are going to market yourself, guys make sure that you are marketing yourself as the go-to person for XYZ. So for example, In my firm. It's not normal. There's actually not a lot of firms out there that specifically work with course creators. Blinkers. And I know off the top of my head is Serina shoot and that's actually my biz bestie and her firm also works with them, but I work in QBO and she works at zero. So it actually works really well. So if some people are in zero, we refer them to her. If they work in QBO, she refers them to us, but we serve the same niche. However, we are the go-to experts because we understand. and know what it's like to actually launch digital products and how to run a course creating business, because that's what we both run here at workflow queen and her business. Ambitious bookkeeper. And so we have positioned ourself as someone who's the authority. So even if you don't have a niche guys, this can be like, I am the leading expert in financial strategies that really can help you maximize XYZ. Whatever that looks like. So you're positioning yourself into being that go-to person. And I understand that sometimes you might not have the confidence yet to say that you're the go-to person. However, build up that confidence because. Just like anything in life guys, when you just know that you're so good at something, you'll be like, absolutely. I can do that for you. Like, there's so much like, like confidence in the way you speak. So just be confident in the way that you do things and just say. Oh, yeah. Hell yeah. Even if it's like reconciling, we are the go-to people to really nail your reconciliation. I know that doesn't sound sexy guys, but like that means you, that you're the go-to person and why you'd be different than someone else. Who's just random. And just Joe Schmo on the street who just like does basic bookkeeping. So position yourself as an authority and use relevant content that really attracts them. Step number five is to develop a referral network with current clients and peers. So what I mean by this? Is, if you get us get a lot of referrals and people that are sent over to you by maybe your friends and family or industry experts or current clients. My recommendation is to potentially roll out a referral program. If you haven't done that within your firm, I highly recommend you do. We do this within my firm. It's actually something that we share pretty often inside a breakthrough. And we have a lot of discussions around what type of referral programs and referral fees are you paying. So if you want to chime into that conversation, then come check out breakthrough. I'll link up. below in the show notes, you can go to breakthrough with systems.com back slash join. And you can go join our program and be a part of the coaching calls and the community. Where we talk a lot about referral programs. We talk about so much more, but that's a, a piece that some people actually do love having conversations around. So within my firm, we do offer a referral program. That means if someone send someone to us and they sign on to work with us. We're going to give them a certain fee. I chose not to send gifts guys, because. To be honest. This is going to sound so bad, but I receive so many gifts here at workflow queen in my firm. And a lot of these gifts that people sent while I love them. And I love the gesture and I truly do appreciate them. But a lot of the times people just send trinkets. They might send, like, I don't know, like candles or they might just send like a little, like, I don't know, a little tiny plants like this little tiny trinkets at the end of the day, guys, I don't need more trinkets. And so I've chosen not to give people gifts that are just tiny little trinkets. If we are giving gifts, there are going to be highly researched to make sure that they are specific to them. As the person who sent over the referral, however, we just send good old checks guys with a thank you letter. And it goes a really long way to allow that person to know like, Hey, thank you so much. Here's a check for sending someone over to us. Like as a reminder anybody that you send over to us , we, pay out XYZ. So thank you for your business and for your trust. We absolutely appreciate you. It goes such a long way that handwritten note being sent to them. and this is just personal preference. I know some people like One of my besties, Brooke Swan. She loves to do gifts for her referrals and that's just her. That's what she loves. But for me, it doesn't make sense for me. And so we've chosen to do the money route and we do have a specific referral program. So if you haven't already, I do recommend building something like that out. Then when you do, doesn't have to be complicated guys, building it out, can literally be like this, how much we're going to pay someone for sending someone. It could be like, I'm going to pay$500 every time someone sends a new client that signs on to work with us. It could be as simple as that, just outline it and tell your clients about it because I know you might think that you're annoying them, but you're absolutely not. They will love that they're going to get paid for you. Sending someone. I also want you guys to connect to industry experts and coaches in the industry to create referral networks as well. Going back to let's just say that if my niche was construction, I would reach out to the coaches in the construction industry, where your construction clients maybe learn from and say, I'd love to do a presentation for you and your group and your students that are construction workers. And I would love to also provide you a referral fee for any new student of yours that joins to work with us. We will send you X, Y, Z. And so it really does go a long way. So before we dive into the final wrap-up of here, I do want to share with you guys to reinforcing the takeaways from this episode of what you want to like implement. And so on and so forth, but before we move forward, I just want to tackle a couple of common objections. And misconceptions that I hear from a lot of you guys. As you were trying to market. One of the big things I hear you guys say is I just, you know, I just don't know, like if I should even like niching down, because one, it limited my marketing and one, it limited my business. Absolutely not. The gold is when you start to truly serve a niche. If you're trying to speak to everyone, you speak to no one, it is something that I've learned the hard way. And honestly, I genuinely thought that if I served everyone, I had way more business. But the more that I niche down, the more I realize that I can actually hone in on actually being the authority in that space and to be able to better serve them. If not, you're just another bookkeeper. You're just another accountant at the end of the day. And so if you have that objection, just know that you're only limiting yourself by not allowing yourself to niche. And guys niching does not need to be an industry. Niching can simply be. I only work with women. I only work with men. It can literally be that. Everyone thinks it has to be an industry. It does not. It could be, you don't work with anybody who doesn't make at least 250 K annually. That's literally my firm. We don't work with men and we don't work with anybody under 250 K and we only work with course creators, coaches and creatives. So like you can have different types of niches guys. Another common objection or misconception that I hear is it's hard to find my ideal clients. That is a mindset thing. Guys, if you tell yourself it's hard, it's going to feel hard. If you tell yourself it's easy, it's going to feel easy and you're going to attract those people. So that is a mindset thing that you really truly need to work on in order to find and attract the right clients. Another thing I hear all the time is I've tried everything. If you guys tried everything. And literally you've had no success. Then that is just crazy because there's no way ever that someone can try literally everything. There are thousands upon thousands of marketing strategies that you can implement within your firm. And if you're telling me that you've tried every single marketing effort out there then. I would be seriously amazed that you were able to even. Try every single strategy, but you can see me like. Skipping over my words because I'm like, guys, it's not possible to try every single one of them. At the end of the day, guys. This is usually something that we say in order to make ourselves feel better, that like, oh, I've tried. So I'm going to give up guys marketing is one of those things that when you kick it off today, six months from now, you'll finally reap what you sowed. Like it's one of those things that we all know this, we first started our firm that like, it really takes time for marketing to truly kick in. So. I know that you said that you've tried everything. Keep trying, try something different. Try it more consistently just because you put a freebie out there one time and one person signed up. Doesn't mean that it's never going to work. It's just the fact that you just expect instant results and that is not possible within the marketing space. You really have to put in the time and energy and effort in order to make it work. So as we're wrapping up this episode, I want you guys to come follow us over on social media. You can come follow us here at workflow queen On Instagram come over to at workflow queen and share. And listen to all the different things that we have going on. We do search tips here and there also come join our email list. Guys. I will link it below the sh into the show notes. This is where we share a lot of our behind the scenes and some more tips and strategies and all the fun things. So let's talk about a recap and reinforce the takeaways from today. So step one, define your ideal client profile. Step two is to build a value based marketing message. Step three unique marketing approach, making sure that you are implementing. All those different strategies or try new ones. Set for us to position yourself as the authority with relevant content. And then step five is to develop a referral network with current clients and peers. So guys, I hope you enjoy today's episode. If you guys have anything that you wanted to share, as far as like something that's been working for you, you can come email us@supportatworkflowqueen.com or share it on Instagram. But I look out for Next episode, guys, it's going to air on Tuesday. Which is our episode all about creating scalable offers so that you can stop trading time for money. So we're going to deep dive into the importance of scalable offers for growth. We're gonna talk about Packaging services for recurring revenue and examples of scalable services that you can implement in your firm to make more money. I can't wait to see you guys in the next episode.