Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
Exciting News: The New Direction of Workflow Queen – What’s Coming Next!
In this solo episode, Alyssa Lang shares the exciting new direction for Workflow Queen and how these changes will better serve you in the future. Alyssa dives into the experiences of pivoting your business's path, implementing systems and teams for scaling without burnout, and the fresh offers and events coming soon that you won’t want to miss.
In this episode you’ll hear:
- What exciting new changes are happening at Workflow Queen
- What micro offers and new resources are being introduced for bookkeepers and accountants
- How the podcast will focus on themes like offers, systems, and team to better serve listeners
- Why personal internal work and business strategy are crucial for sustainable business growth
Resources mentioned in this episode:
💻 Waitlist for our Content Snare program
👤 Serena Shoup with the Ambitious Bookkeeper
💻 Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants
💻 Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants
💻 Workflows in a Weekend for Bookkeepers & Accountants
📍 In-Person Events & VIP Days (email support@workflowqueen.com for more details)
Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen
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- Podcast Editing: Ian Gilliam: iangilliam.com
Hey everyone. And welcome back to the podcast. I'm so excited because in today's episode, I am sharing some wonderful shifts that are happening here at workflow queen. And just why we're changing direction, the way that the brand is moving, the new vision that we're serving and just giving you guys a really good idea of what to expect next. I have been feeling so torn on like what I wanted to go with the company, what I wanted to do. We're almost five years in. And I just had a lot of time recently to really dive into the next best thing for workflow queen. So in today's episode, guys, if you want to hear about the new direction of workflow queen and what's to come next, then this is the episode for you. In this episode, I am going to be sharing why this shift and why this applies to you. And also how you can take my lesson of what I'm going through right now to help apply it to your business. If you feel like your business has become stagnant and you want to make a change, I'm going to be sharing how I did this in my business. I'm going to be focusing on the new direction, the new vision of the company, what to expect moving forward, even though our new micro offers. Webinars templates, workshops, even the new podcast thing that we're moving forward to. I'm so excited and how this will help you guys, and also what to look forward to next and how to get on our VIP list to make sure that you have exclusive first access to all of our new offers and everything that we have going on. I'm so excited guys. This episode is for any of you guys who are just really curious about how we're going to better serve you throughout the coming years. Can't wait. Hey everyone. And welcome back to the podcast. I am so excited because. I just wanted to share with you guys some really exciting things that are kind of happening here at teamwork flow queen and what we're really doing, and what's coming next and the new direction of the company and just kind of what to expect. I'm going to kind of start off before I deep dive in today's episode, because really what I want to cover on this episode, just that you're aware is I really want to talk about the vision behind the new direction of our company, what to expect moving forward, how this will help you and how it'll help you like advance in your firm and also what to look forward to. And so before I kind of deep dive into that, I do want to share a little bit of like a story of what's kind of happening in my space and my role, if you are new here, my name is Alyssa Lang. I'm the owner and founder here at workflow queen. And it's just so much has been going on lately. And. I know that things and feelings are so high right now, especially in the United States with the election coming up that's as this episode is being aired, it will be next week that we will find out who the new president is. And during this time it's always just a little bit weird and a little wonky. As far as you know, sometimes around this time during elections, we find that people are a little bit tighter on their money. We also find that we lose some clients. We also have some are gaining clients a lot. So it really just depends on what's happening in your world as of right now. But tensions are just a little bit high just because there's kind of like this division right now. Which it is what it is. It's nothing that we can control. There's nothing that we can do about that. However, I wanted to kind of share something with you guys.'cause. I don't know if it's just me and if this is you, if you've been on my email list, guys, for quite some time, then you might've been hearing me talk a lot about stories in life. That's been lifeing lately. And just things that have been happening and with this. I've really just sat back in contemplated. What do I want with my business and not just this business here at workflow queen, but also my firm, which is magnetic profits. And just, there's so many things that are coming up for me. And I don't know if that's also coming up with you as well. And if it is. And you just need a shoulder to cry on or like someone to talk to. You always always have full permission to reach out to me. You can either email our team@supportatworkflowqueen.com. That email will eventually get to me. If you want to share your story and what you're going through and what's happening in your world. Working come over on Instagram at workflow queen. And just share anything and everything that's coming up for you. I just want you to know that you are not alone. I know that it feels weird to reach out to someone that maybe you've never talked to before. I just want you to know guys, I truly am so serious when I say that I'm here for you guys. So I'm just gonna share a little bit of something. Before we dive into all this fun, new, exciting direction, everything that's happening at the business. So life has been lifeing is the best way that I can like start this. Little part of the episode. I just recently went through a whole situation where we are on evacuation prep, which means that if something were to happen, I was just like in the middle of a fire over at where I lived in lake Arrowhead, California. And it just was a lot. And it also made me like, really think about like what I value in my life and my home and just everything I've been traveling a lot. And right now I'm currently recording in Prescott, Arizona. I'm out here to visit my bestie Serena shoe. She's the owner and founder of ambitious bookkeeper. She's been on the podcast. Tons of times. We actually plan to record a couple episodes for you guys coming up. And anyways, I'm out here with my travel trailer and just my dog. I just got back from Sedona. I D I have a rooftop tent on the top of my 4runner, and I found this really incredible camping site. On I think it's called Lee hill near Sedona. And it is so freaking beautiful. It was just the most breathtaking view. It was so incredible and just such a great time. And I always like, just like going out in the middle of the wilderness, it helps me to just kind of reconnect with myself. So anyways, the things that are kind of happening. I've just been like. Trying to figure out what I want. Like just in life, not even in the business I'm talking about in life. And I think now more than ever, I think a lot of people are, a lot of people are like really starting to get awareness around what they're putting in their bodies, the food that they're eating, the exercises that they do, the media that they consume. And I just think there's a lot of directions of where the businesses are changing right now with adapting to that. And I think right now everyone has to be adaptable. So when you always, I've been feeling a lot of heaviness in my heart and in my chest and in my body. Because I'm going through my own little internal battle. And I'm sharing this with you guys because one it's not easy, but two, I also know other people are going through this and it's super important. I have been battling with that internal question of what to do next. Also battling with my own versions of anxiety and stress and overwhelm and just not being okay. And it's brought up a lot of feelings and a lot of this new direction. And if you guys have noticed, especially if you've been a long time podcast listener, that I've kind of disappeared and I've also kind of disappeared for my. Like my Instagram account and just like in general. And it's because I am struggling to show up and I'm not just showing, like, talking about my face. I'm talking about like, even for my team, even for myself right now, it is so hard to show up. And so my biggest focus has truly been. Really pouring into myself and giving myself everything that I need. In order to feel okay. If I'm not okay, my business is going to suffer. And so at the end of the day, I have to make sure to pour into myself and I've come to this conclusion that it's literally 90% internal work and 10% business strategy that really makes a business successful. If you guys have ever had like a major shift in the business where it maybe made a lot of money and you brought in a lot of new clients and you're just like what the free cap. And a lot of times you probably did some marketing effort or something happened, but there was something inside that you allowed yourself to shift. An identity shift that prove to yourself that you are worthy of X, Y, Z. And so when we do these identity shifts and we pour into ourself, it actually helps us in our business. So before we move forward, I just wanted to share that. But I want you to just take a step back. If you are walking, feel free to come back to this episode. If you're driving, please come back to this episode. But if you are sitting at your desk and you are listening to this, or you have the chance to re-listen to this. I want you to sit down for just five minutes. Then I want you to think back from the start of your business all the way up until now, what are some major moments that have happened within your business? And I just want you to write this down. Was it a major moment? Maybe you hit six figures, maybe her at your first five figures, maybe you hired your first team member. Maybe you got on your first podcast episode or a media interview, whatever that is for you. I want you to take a step back and it could be small and it can be large. And what I want you to do is I want you to write down those big moments in the business. Then I want you to write down the things that you had to let go of and what you had to gain in order to get that. This is such a massive exercise that I recently did for myself, because like I was beating myself up for feeling like I wasn't going anywhere and doing all these different things. But then I realized this is how I found out that it's 90% in internal work and 10%. Business strategy, because what I did was when I looked at that list that I wrote down, I wrote down the big numbers that I had hit the big times that I had brought on a team member and had changed something or recently had a fire, a new employee. And when you look at this, don't look at it from just like, oh, I fired my first employee. I want you to look at the shift that you had to make, make internally the things that you had to implement in order to make that happen. You don't just wake up tomorrow and say, I'm the best person ever fire someone you don't just wake up tomorrow and say like, I'm the best employer in the whole entire world. No. You had to go through some sort of an internal shift. Whether that be, you had to learn how to maybe the logistics of firing someone, but you also probably had to do mindset work and internal work that like. It is not my responsibility. To keep someone onto my team. Therefore, I must let them go because are not serving our business. You had to go through some sort of internal shift, maybe it's firing your biggest client that you ever had to. You had to battle yourself in order to get there. So I want you to look at the things that you had to shift. The reason I want you to do this. It's so powerful. Because at the end of the day, you'll realize, let's just say that your goal is to hit seven figures in your firm. That's great. But what identity shifts do you need to put into place and to have happened not only internally, but within the strategy of your business. To get you to that next level. I want you to do this exercise. And if you want, if you want to share this exercise, I'm telling you guys these emails do eventually get to me. Email our team@supportedworkflowqueen.com. Or messaged me here on Instagram at workflow queen. I want to hear from you guys. I want to hear what were the major identity shifts and what are the things that you had to give up and also gain in order to get to that next level? It is such a beautiful thing of what we can do here with our business. And I'm so excited to hear from you guys and just hear what you have to say. So without further ado, which hearing my story of what's kind of going on and what has been, really making me not show up life's lately. I think there was just this passion and drive that just kind of dissipated because I'm going through my own little. Like crazy part of my life of my internal battles that I'm dealing with. But as I'm getting inching closer and closer to fixing a lot of those things and working on those things for myself, I'm also getting a lot of clarity in my business. And this is why these exercises are so business. So, so important. Sorry, I don't know why I said so business. Um, anyways, so exciting news and new direction for workflow queen. So don't worry, guys. I'm not going anywhere. Nothing's happening. That's going to be like, I'm leaving nothing. I'm not selling the business guys. Like, don't worry. I am just so excited to share with you guys because I've been feeling some. Some like, I don't know, like just this internal, like feeling where like workflow queen was no longer aligning with me and it wasn't the company, but it was deep down. It was like the way that we have things structured because I've changed as a human, the company has morphed into a different vision. It's just morphed over time. However, we've kept the old identity for it. So why am I not also creating this identity shift for my own company? So this is where this big realization came from me. And I want to encourage you guys that if your business has been set up for so long, the same way. He can freaking change. You do not have to keep it the same way. You do not have to keep doing the same freaking thing, just because that's what you, you think is necessary. If your business needs to shift, shift it. If you need to like change things, change it. So that's where this whole new thing came out. So I'm out here in Prescott, Arizona with my friend, Serena she's one of my biz besties. She owns ambitious bookkeeper she came by to my, travel trailer, had this little campfire. and we spent like three hours guys. With this big freaking poster board sticky note thing, it's freaking huge. I will actually link it in the show notes for you guys. If you're interested in buying it for yourself. And I got a bunch of Sharpies guys and literally all we did was brain dumped. Everything that like anything I could possibly think of brain dumping is so important. Guys. It feels messy. It's really overwhelming, but we just freaking brain dumped. That's all we did. We brain dumped everything that I wanted to do. The goal I wanted to hit in the business, how much money I wanted to take home, what I was going to do. All the things for workflow Queens, specifically. And it was quite amazing and just so beautiful. And like I said, a lot of ideas spewed out of me, but a lot of the ideas that we have guys, and a lot of them, we shouldn't take action on them, but you need to get them out of your brain. So we did this sticky note. And we looked at workflow queen and I said, I truly don't think I'm aligned anymore. With being the person who's known whenever I'm like in an interview guys. The thing that I say is like, my name is Alyssa Lang. I'm the owner and founder here at workflow queen. We support bookkeepers and accounts from on the road around the world to implement tech systems and automation. That is always what I've said. That's just what I've said since, since the very beginning. However it is not the direction of where the company's gone and that's where the misalignment felt. So what we did was one of our big realizations with in Serena is such a great coach guys. If you're not in her world, getting her freaking world. Serena Shoup ambitious bookkeeper. I'll also link her stuff below. And. Oh, she just did such a great job. She helped me to extract. The information that I needed to know. Of like what direction and what topics I wanted to share in this community. So without further ado, I'm just going to be introducing like the new brand and the new direction. The brand is still saying the same. We are still workflow queen. We are still serving bookkeepers and accounts from around the world. Instead of just saying that we help implement tech systems and automation. We are now shifting our vision to helping bookkeepers and accountants. To shift their offers team and their systems in order to help them feel empowered. In their firm to scale without burnout. I am so excited. It lights me up to share this with you guys. I am so excited because I've not just become, I started off being known as the sauna girl, the one who knew systems, the one who knew automation. The one who knew tech. But we created this big group coaching program. It's called breakthrough where we really focus on mindset, offer systems, team, and removability, and it's just. Lit me up guys. I'm just obsessed with that. I'm just obsessed with that program. I'm accessible, obsessed with our students because my whole goal in this company has not just been like to just save you time and your business, but I actually want to give you the ability to step away if you need to, it doesn't mean that you don't have to work in your business if you love your business. That's totally okay. However, you do want to build your business. To a point where it does not rely on you because at the end of the day, if life happens, because life has been lying to me so much, I want people to have the same freedom and flexibility to walk away from the business that they needed to yet. I can also come back when I need to, or when I want to, or whatever comes up for me. So our new direction of workflow queen is we're still going to help bookkeepers and accounts from around the world, but we're now going to help them implement offer systems and team. So you can focus on creating the right mindset and the right. The right systems and the right everything in order for you to scale without burnout. So I'm so excited for this new direction. So I want to talk about what to expect moving forward. Because guys you have been asking, and I finally have been deciding that this is the next best step for the business. So for the longest time, we've always focused on our three core products. Here are three core courses. It's workflows in a weekend kickoff with the sauna and breakthrough. Each of those are really built as stepping stone. So like if you're a brand new bookkeeper and account, when you might be starting off at work folk sorry, workflows in a weekend. If maybe you're a little bit more like you're still newbie, but at the same time, like you want to bring on clients and you do have a lot of clients in kickoff saunas. Great with you for you. If you want to build a project management system and then really break through is meant for those of you at the scaling phase who really want to expand the team. Grow as an individual and also remove yourself from the day-to-day. And so we've always focused on those three core products and I've always stand behind not having too many offers cause too many offers can be really confusing. However, we've had a lot of you guys asking for. Us to break out parts of our program. Uh, into what we call micro offers. And so y'all have asked and it's finally happening. So I'm so excited to share with you guys that over the next year, you're really going to start seeing us come out with that more micro offers and I'll explain what those are. So for example, I'm actually partnering with Brooke Swan. She's actually one of our coaches in breakthrough, but me and Brooke are creating a content snare program. And it's all about how to use content snare to request stuff from your clients. So that way you don't have to, you know, be bogged down by sending follow-up emails for your clients and have a better, you know A rate at which your clients actually give you what you need from onboarding. Monthly request and I will drop that link for you guys below. For you guys to sign up for the waitlist for our content snare program. However, there's going to be some other really exciting things. So you guys have all asked for us to create. Break out our breakthrough program to just share with you guys how to hire team members. So we are going to create an offer for that. We're also going to be creating offers for how to use slack for your company and Zapier automations and things like that. So we are going to be coming out with more micro offers. They're going to be priced a little bit lower, and it's going to be easily accessible for you guys who don't maybe want to jump into our larger programs. And if you're really excited about this. Come let me know, because I'm super pumped about this. Another thing you guys can expect moving forward. As we are going to be creating more like workshops, templates, and even resources to support you guys, as you grow your firm. Some of them will be free. Some of them will be paid. Usually our free stuff kind of touches the high level points of things. However, if you want the paid version of everything, we usually give templates, bonuses, all that fun stuff. So our webinars and our workshops are going to be really geared towards seasonal things like maybe some of our 10 99 workshops, or maybe we'll do things around. Goal setting because that's something that I'm really focusing right now on templates could be like email templates. We're also going to be sharing. Parts of our. And different offers and putting them into these resources for you guys. And I'm so, so excited about it. They're all going to be geared towards the offers systems and the team side of things. And so this also brings me to my next thing about the podcast, because I have just had a hard time. Recording. And it's because I had no direction because like, and this is why it's so important, guys, that you take a step back and reevaluate your direction of your own company. So the exciting thing is you're going to see that the podcast is going to shift just a little bit. We are now going to be focusing on a rotating routine. So what we're going to do is each month, we're going to focus on one of those three core components, either the offers systems or team. So for example, in all of November, all of our episodes will really highlight offers. And even the guests that we bring on, we will still be talking about mindset. We still be, we'll talking about systems cause it all interconnects. However, we'll be focusing on that. So for. Example. If we're talking about offers, maybe some example of episodes that we might come out with is like how to stop discounting and start attracting clients who are willing to pay your worth or things like pricing psychology, small changes to Bruce, your profitability instantly. Things like, how can we make sure that we are bringing in the right revenue? How can we actually market our services? So we are going to start talking about marketing and sales, which guys for the longest time, I've refused to talk about. Even though I'm really great at it. And it's something that I love doing is marketing and sales. However, I felt like it wasn't my zone of genius. To teach, but now I actually am like super excited to be talking about that. So that's what the offers is going to be. Then when we talk about systems, you can expect podcasts episodes about how to save hours per week. On work, how to streamline your onboarding process. We are going to shift this conversation to automations. Systems around internal systems with your team. Quality control, stuff like that. Then the episodes and the, those months that we're going to talk about team. It's going to be all the way from, you know the ideation of hiring a team member all the way to hire, actually hiring them. Letting them go, maintaining them KPIs, how to know when it's time to hire the next team member. So each month is going to focus and it's going to rotate over every quarter, which is so exciting. Because that means that each month is going to be themed. And so no matter the stage that you're at in business, it's going to be really supportive for you because if you're at a newbie stage, you're totally fine. Everything that you listened to about stop discounting and attracting clients that are willing to pay. Is going to be so important for you, just as much as it's going to be for someone who's been in business for quite some time. So I'm so freaking excited, cause this is going to be just, we're still going to have guests. It's still going to be solo episodes. However, we are going to be focusing on those themes and it's really going to help to push you guys. From these themes are also going to be building out these custom playlist for you guys, which is going to be really cool, where you can opt in for a free playlist. That is all about offers all about teams that will really compile all the different episodes for each theme, which will make it really easy for you guys to just listen to those themes, which is so cool. So don't worry. You can still listen to the episode at. Episodes as normal. However, that's going to be something that we will offer down the line. And how this will help you guys is it's gonna help you guys get out of the day-to-day grind and really help you to focus on. Like a well balanced life. I know for myself, it's very exciting at the very beginning of the business where you just want to work, work, work. You get to a place in your business where it's like, this is not sustainable. If all I do is work, I'm at the place where like, I love to travel guys. I love to off-road. I love to be with my dog. I love to be in the middle of the wilderness. And not worrying about work all the time. However, I still love my business. I can be both. I can be a disconnected business owner and also a connected business owner. And so can you, and so my whole goal with this new direction of the company is to really help you guys to grow your offers. You're setting up your systems and building the right team. And also along the way, creating the best mindset and also getting you to that place where you're not having to be there every single day. Also something really fun too, that we're going to start doing is more in-person events. So I'm actually going to be doing some dinner meetups around the U S. I'm also going to be doing VIP days. So if you're happened to be in Arizona I'm going to be here until the end of November. If you're in Arizona and you want to be a part of our, we're going to be doing some free dinners where you guys essentially attend the dinner. And then we're also going to be doing VIP days, which is going to be a paid event, which is a VIP half day with me in person where we'll strategize with your business, help you create new direction. Build systems, team offers everything that you need in person. If you're interested in either one of those, just email our team@supportatworkflowqueen.com and I will be happy to give you that info. If you're anywhere else in the U S don't worry, I will be traveling to different states. So still feel free to let my team know. You by emailing us. And then that way we know that there is high demand in different states. So I'll make sure to travel to those states, to do in-person meetings. We're also going to be hosting more retreats. Our next retreats, actually going to be only available to our breakthrough students, which is quite exciting. And just so much is happening guys. Like, as you can tell, like I'm getting really lit up right now. And so what to look forward to next guys, the first official episode, leading into this new way that we're going to do, the podcast actually starts next week, which is going to be November 5th, which is really, really exciting. I know that's also election day, so it's going to be. A lot, a lot of emotions will be happening that day, but we will be talking about offers next week. That is going to be. the first theme for November month. I'm so excited. I can't wait to share with you guys. All the micro offers, all the things that we're going to be. Doing for you guys. And I just can't. Can't wait. And so one thing, if you guys are really interested in. Getting exclusive offers and exclusive deals that aren't available to a regular email list. You guys can join our brand new email list. which you can go to workflow. queen.com backslash VIP. That's workflow queen.com backslash VIP. Go there and subscribe guys, you will be added to our VIP list. That VIP. list guys will just be. Us literally giving you guys exclusive offers. Like we are not going to sit here and, and fluff a bunch of emails up. It's literally going to be. Hey guys, we have this new offer. That's coming out. You get exclusive first access plus exclusive discounts to this. If not, we're still going to send it to our subscriber list, but the IP list of we'll get the exclusive first access to Indian. All of our new micro offers, anything that we have that's going on. For any of our paid offers in the backend. I also encourage you guys to follow the podcast here. So make sure that you don't miss out and even new content. I'm so excited. And if you've been here for quite some time, and you're excited about this new direction. Let me know because I am so pumped about it. And I can't wait to release our next week's episode and I'll see y'all soon.