Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
The Art of Pricing: Insights on Creating Value and Confidence in Your Pricing with Helena Donald
Alyssa Lang interviews Helena Donald, Money Mindset Expert and Founder of Girl Unfiltered, on exploring the hidden impact of money mindset on businesses and uncovering techniques to charge your worth with confidence. Alyssa and Helena dive into addressing limiting beliefs surrounding money, valuing inner work, and providing unique approaches to elevate your financial success in your business.
In this episode you’ll hear:
- Why awareness of early programming around money is crucial for business growth and personal confidence in pricing your clients
- How to connect with clients on a unique level and lead with value to create a better client experience
- What methods help in transitioning from hourly rates to value-based pricing that feels good
- How clearing limiting beliefs around money leads to a more fulfilling and successful business approach
About our guest:
Helena Grace Donald works with ambitious women to radically release their internal money blocks, fears and limiting beliefs so they can shatter their inner glass ceiling and tap into the frequency of abundance that they not only desire, they also deserve. She uses a range of tools and modalities, such as Matrix Reimprinting and EFT. She is the founder of Girl Unfiltered, the author of Learning to Love the Girl in the Mirror and the host of The Girl Unfiltered Podcast.
Connect with Helena Donald:
Follow Helena on Instagram: @iamhelenagrace
Check out her website: https://www.girlunfiltered.com/ Listen to her podcast: https://www.girlunfiltered.com/the-girl-unfiltered-podcast/
Resources mentioned in this episode:
💸 Money Magnet Meditation gift from Helena
🎙️ Girl Unfiltered Podcast by Helena Donald
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Hey everyone. And welcome back to the show. I'm so excited because I'm bringing on such an incredible gastro name is Helena and she is so amazing. I met her through the online space and we have just connected right from the beginning. She brings such an incredible perspective on money mindset and really working through all the different things that you need to in order to show up for yourself and show up as your true, authentic self, to be able to help you attract and bring money in to your business and even in all parts of your life. And so in today's episode, we're going to deep dive into what money mindset is and how it actually impacts the day to day part of your business and also your life. We're going to be really diving into the subconscious work that you need to do in order to show up confidently for your sales calls. Because a lot of the times you don't realize that you might be blocking. Yourself. Without recognizing it because you haven't worked through your Mon money mindset issues. We're going to deep, dive into talking about how that we can show up and lead with value for our clients so that they can better want to work with you. Because of it. And so many other things, we're also going to deep dive into a fun topic that I know a lot of you guys love having me talk about, which is all about hourly pricing versus value pricing and why you. should actually lean into the value pricing, which is really authentically saying that I value my time and here's how much I would charge for this in a value perspective. So I'm so excited. I hope you guys enjoyed today's episode and chat soon.
Alyssa:Hey everyone and welcome back to the Conquering Workflows and Systems for Bookkeepers and Accountants podcast with your host here, Alyssa Lang. I'm so pumped because this lovely guest, we actually met in the online space from one of our similar coaches and agency that we worked with, happened to be on a call together. I don't even know how it actually flourished, but we were just chatting and I think at that time she was sharing a really fun resource and I was like, Oh my God, my community can really love what you have to offer. Um, I would love to chat Florestan to me being on her podcast and next thing you know, I was like, man, I'd love to have you on my podcast. So I'm so excited to be introducing, , Helena, to our podcast. I know I was going to butcher your name. I'm so sorry. I was trying so hard not to focus. I'm like, I'm going to say it wrong. So I'm really sorry. So I'm gonna let you introduce yourself so you could say it correctly. Please introduce yourself and tell everyone who you are.
Helena:You did say it right. It's Helena Grace Donald and I am originally from the UK. I've lived in the US for almost 12 years now. So I am very used to many iterations of my name., but yeah, it's, it's normally Helena. And I'm a money mindset expert. I have worked in the online coaching space for For over seven years, and I work with high level women, ambitious women who really want to transform their relationship with money because they realize that they've got hidden limiting beliefs and blocks that are preventing them from getting to their next level. And so that's where I come in and I do a lot of subconscious work and, helping them see new perspectives and, achieve new understanding around money so that they can really break through their own inner glass ceilings and go on to create more wealth, create more success. But when I say those two words, I really think that that is unique to every single person. And that's also a really big part of what I coach on. It's really understanding what. Feeling rich and being wealthy and feeling abundant is uniquely to you. So that's, that's what I do. And amongst other things and being a mama and running a multi six figure business, you know, just life. Yeah.
Alyssa:I love that. I love that. I love this topic. We were just talking right before we hit record here about what do we want to talk about? Where do we want to take this? And definitely. the money mindset issues that we experience in this space. And I know all of you guys who are listening right now, I love you to pieces, but I know that this industry does not have enough education around really doing that inner work to work your mindset, to be able to make more money, to be able to hit the goals that you want. It could sometimes not even be the attachment of money. Cause I think that's also the other thing is people think it has to be money when it's like, it could be time freedom. It could be like, ease and flow in the business and not being stressed and all these different things. So I'm so excited to talk about this topic because it is so near and dear to like my own heart. I've done a lot of this work myself. So for anybody who doesn't even know, like, what the hell is money mindset? Like, what do you mean by that? Like, what is the best way you could describe that?
Helena:Oh my gosh. It's like, where do you even begin? So I, I think it's maybe helpful for me to just give a backstory of why I even am passionate about money mindset. Cause I think that can help explain it on a deeper level. So, Back almost, what, eight years ago? Seven years ago? Gosh, losing track now. But, I was working in the mindset field. I was actually focused a lot on self worth and body image. I'd done an international book tour. I mean, I was putting myself out there and, you know, Growing my community. And I actually even invested in a business coach and spent over five, you know, five figures in a business coach and was doing all of the things and working really hard. And I'm sure everyone can relate when you're staying up until late, you know, building those websites and landing pages and email sequences and doing all of that. And yet I really felt on the inside, like I was an imposter. Because my sales calls felt really uncomfortable. I wasn't attracting the kind of people that I wanted to work with. And it felt like no matter how hard I worked, I was always really stuck in the same place. And I was really struggling with money. And it wasn't until I actually hit my own rock bottom and realized that something really had to change. And I realized that there were other areas of my life that were thriving. So my relationship, my, the fact that I had moved internationally by myself from the UK to LA at the time, like the fact that I healed myself of some very limiting body image issues. And I realized that the reason that those areas of my life were actually thriving was because I'd actually done the work around them. I'd actually brought awareness to my beliefs around them. And yet here I was working a business. As an entrepreneur begging and pleading for more money to come my way and for me to hit certain goals because I was very ambitious, but had never actually looked at what my relationship with money actually was. And that's something that I very much teach on is really understanding if you are in a partnership with money, like you are, you use it every day, you have thoughts and feelings about it every single day. If money was your partner, money was your lover. How would it describe the way that you actually make it feel? How do you show up for it? What do you say to it? do you play hard to get? All of these different energies. I was definitely pushing money away because I was saying, I want you, but I also don't want to spend any time with you. And I was starting to understand. That relationship where I started to understand. Oh my gosh, I'm saying I want these things, but actually on a deeper level. And I talk a lot about the subconscious because that's my signature framework is getting to the root of what your actual beliefs are, not just around money, but. how you operate around it, how you think that you have to behave around it, how you think you, how hard you think you have to work around it, what's safe around money versus what doesn't feel safe around money, which then shows up in our businesses massively. And I work with a lot of people who actually have come even from the corporate world who have made six figure salaries and beyond. And then suddenly They become the face of their own company or they're running their own company. And they're like, what is going on here? Like this doesn't feel right. And it's because they bring all of their own programming, all the stories they've heard around money, all the subconscious beliefs to that. This is why I'm so passionate about being the expert and money mindset specifically for business owners, because I know what a direct impact it has, not only on your income level, on your goals and, and, and, and, and, But also on how you feel in your day to day life as you work in your business, the feeling of satisfaction you have, the feeling of fulfillment you have, how hard you work, versus the ease that you can step into around earning money. And so By not only seeing what a profound effect that that had in my own life and then starting to implement those subconscious tools and money minds that work with my own clients. I mean, my life transformed, their lives have transformed and I've become the go to person almost in my field because this is what I'm so passionate about helping people with. I think that it has a knock on effect on so many areas of people's lives, not just their bank accounts.
Alyssa:Yeah. And a lot of times too, like money, just like you said, it affects all areas because it is our number one currency that we use to like, sometimes we use it as an accolade, I'm not even gonna try it. You know what I'm trying to say, right? Accomplishment. Like
Helena:our sense of accomplishment. Yeah.
Alyssa:I'm like, man, words are so hard for me today. Um, so it's like an accomplishment. It's like people use it as a way to say like, you've made it in this world. So like we attach money to so many different areas of our life that sometimes it's very exhausting. But one note I made while you were talking about the different areas that it affects the business is I could see this a lot in my space, particularly, I know you probably work with this in like a lot of different, industries as well. I find like an uptick of desperation in sales calls and the desperation in sales calls come from this. I need to make money. I need to get, you know, I need to do this. I need to pay for this and I need to do that. And I know it comes up in a lot of different places, but I think in our area specifically, a lot of accountants and bookkeepers are known for underpricing themselves a lot of the time. And so they kind of show up with that. Like, I really need to make the sale. I really need to land that client. We just lost one last month. So I really need to replace them and I need to do this. So I'd love to kind of deep dive into like, what do you do as people approach and, or how can they recognize when maybe they seem confident on the call, but really you're exuding that desperation feel that someone can feel that energy for sure.
Helena:I love that you've mentioned this. So thank you so much for asking this because actually one of the biggest hidden blockers when it comes to attracting more money into your business. and it's something that I can absolutely relate to because as I said, like that was one of the biggest reasons that I wasn't attracting the income into my business. So from years of experience working with people on specifically this, I look at this like, Hidden expectations. And so let's come back to that relationship analogy. What happens is people show up with subconscious, so they're not even aware necessarily of exactly what they are, but subconscious expectations that they're placing on that sales call. And so if you think about placing that expectation on a relationship, I need you to do this so I can feel this. I need you to say yes to me so I know that I am this. I am safe. I am enough. I am worthy. I am capable. I am successful. We can fill in so many of those blanks. And I actually lead anyone that comes through my network, like through my programs or whether it's one to one or in my group coaching program, like we do an entire training on Hidden expectations, because it is so big for your sales calls, for your launches, for all of the things. I still do this work every single launch, because we can always be showing up with some kind of hidden expectation we're not aware of. But when you're able to set that free, now you are showing up to your sales calls, knowing you are enough, knowing you are safe. Feeling grounded, feeling capable, feeling good enough, and who doesn't find that attractive? Like, that is the most attractive energy, thinking about, again, the relationship and being on a date. If you're on a date with someone who already feels whole and complete within themselves, you're like, Ooh, who is this person? Like, that is sexy. Yeah. And same gets to be true for money. And so what people are often, placing, the kind of hidden expectations people are often placing without realizing is, it comes back to safety. Like, I need you to do this so that I can feel safe, or I can feel worthy, or I can feel like I'm good enough. Like you, seeking that validation. Not just from the sales call, but from money and from their income goals, but by doing that, what you're actually saying is I'm not already that thing, but that thing out there is what wealth means to me, or that thing out there is what a feeling of abundance is to me. But if you think about like a radio frequency, you're emitting one radio frequency, but you're asking to be over here at this other channel of experience or experience, and you're missing it. You're missing that. And so part of the work is obviously getting to the root of what that hidden expectation is, but then understanding how can I start giving that feeling to myself right here, right now, before the sales call, before anyone says yes to me, where can I find that feeling in my life? And how it surrounds me, like, silly analogy. I was just thinking, this is so like, I can't think of how to say this, but like, I opened up my freezer like an hour ago and I was like, man, I feel abundant.
Helena:much food in there. Like I just prepped so much food for my family. Wow. I am so safe. I am so. Taken care of. You might think that has nothing to do with business. And yeah, maybe you're right, but guess what? I'm emitting the frequency of abundance and it doesn't have to come from money. And that is going to seep into how I show up in my business and how I feel in my business, because I'm already saying I'm enough. Like I feel good. The rest gets to be bonus energy.
Alyssa:Yeah. Um,
Helena:so it's really understanding the energetics and the frequency. And I don't know if everyone on this podcast listening, like, it's going to think I'm just crazy or woo woo for saying that, but. It really matters. It really matters in your business and how you show up.
Alyssa:Yeah, for sure. It's funny because I've gotten a little bit more woo on our listeners here. So people are listening. You're like, Alyssa was like, so always so strategic. And now it's becoming more, I don't want to say the woo, but there's still strategy and there's still parts of it. But I think it's because I've gone through my own transformation that you don't recognize until you're on the other side of going through the inner work to realize like how important it actually is. So it's so funny because I'm trying to sprinkle that in because I feel like Even in this way, when you're talking about abundance, abundance can mean different things for everybody. So abundance to me is being like, I don't care if you don't sign with us. Like, I don't care if you move forward. We're fine. Like we don't need you. Would we like to better serve our clients? Sure. Would we like to be able to make more of an impact? Absolutely. But like, if I attach the money part of things to everything, it becomes the desperation of the finances rather than like. I want to be, I want to be desperate to work with the right people who are powerful in their way of like being able to serve them. So like shifting the mindset from being obsessive about, I've got to make the dollar to maybe just being obsessive about the fact that you really want to support them. And
Helena:that's where you're showing up with value versus showing up with need. No one wants to join in that partnership if it's coming from a place of need, whereas exactly what you just said, you could shift your, what can this person do for me or how is this going to affect me? To how can I show up and give as much value for this person as I possibly can? Like, I even think of my, and I don't even think of them as honestly sales calls. I, you know, think of them as more connection calls. I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, I am honored that I get to spend the next 30 to 40 minutes with someone. And I take that responsibility. Like. I really, I think that that's a responsibility. I'm a coach. I want to help that person, whether they paid for it or not. And it might go against what some people say, but I want to give that person a breakthrough. I want them to feel as safe and supported by my energy on that call. And if it feels aligned, They're going to be able to trust their intuition and know if it's a yes to working with me, but I'm not leading with that. I'm like, how can I give this person value? And again, it comes back to that law of attraction. That is such a more magnetic energy.
Alyssa:Yeah, I love that you said bringing the value because I will tell you, so I've now owned three different businesses. My first one was a bookkeeping and tax firm. And so in my first firm, I just remember like not understanding marketing, not understanding the, you know, the way I thought I was always a casual person. I am pretty casual. Like I really don't get on these calls and be like, try to do tactics and all these things. It doesn't work for me. Like I just genuinely like to connect to people at the same, like you say. Yeah. But I remember my very first firm, like, and every time I tried to sale, it was like gatekeep information, never give away anything. Why would I tell them how to fix things in QBO? Why would I talk to him about like, Oh no, that should be here or whatever it was. Right. And it took until I created this company here at workflow queen, where I started working with them. I worked with like a launch strategist to learn how to launch our programs and stuff. She was the one who told me that like gatekeeping, the information actually doesn't help people to understand that you actually know what you're talking about. And instead, when you lead with the value, and I think a lot of people who don't understand what that means, I'll explain that. So for anyone listening, leading with value, a lot of people are like, what the hell does that even mean? Alyssa? It genuinely means that like, let's just say I'm on a call. What's someone specifically and they're like, yeah, it's been so crazy. Like our, our budgets and our finances have been so strict. I can't even pay myself and the payroll instead of being like, okay, what's your payroll provider? What, how many accounts do you have? That's like what the typical account goes straight to like the logistics. Instead I stop and say like. What are you guys doing to what's affecting you guys at this point? And then I'll start asking them more questions. Then I really get to the root of the problem. And I'm like, the real problem is you're overpaying contractors who don't respect you, who don't really actually take the time I'd honestly reevaluate all your contractors, make them do time tracking, but I'm like, Now that I've gotten that and given you value, let's actually pivot here. So what's the payroll provider you use? So I'm still getting the logistics, but I'm also still getting the value on the backend. And I think it's a beautiful thing. so I'd love to hear from your perspective, like when you are coaching, like your students and stuff and working with other people, how do you lead them into saying, go from this mindset of hoarding everything that you have to letting that go and being confident on the call to know that like, I might lose them because I might just give them everything.
Helena:Okay. I love it. No one's ever specifically asked me this in this way. So this is really interesting. I love this. Cause it's like every industry has their different thing or different blocks. That's really juicy for me. put it this way. No one is going to be like, just like, let's think about this logistically or logically. No one is going to walk away from that and be like, wow, that person just gave me a breakthrough. I am less likely to invest in them. Yeah. Why would you, that's two calls. One person like makes you feel more stressed because they focus more on the logistics or you feel like there's more that you have to do and you still haven't figured it out. And you're like, oh, and now I have to go. So yes to working with them, but I don't know how I feel about that versus, wow, this person really understood me. They connected with me on a human level. They gave me value. They gave me a breakthrough. Wow. I feel a little bit easier in my nervous system having just talked to them. Oh yeah. No, I'm not going to invest in them., it's a night and day, night and day feeling. I don't think anyone has walked away from a discovery or connection call from me being like, I don't want to work with her because he gave me too much value. Like that is just not how. We work. That's not how our nervous systems work. So, and I'm not saying that you have to go in, like, it's impossible. It is impossible for you in 30 to 45 minutes to give them everything that you have. It is a taste. It's a taster, but if you could think about it as let me give them a taste of what it is going to feel like to work with me, then maybe that will shift it. And not even thinking. Cause then this is like the couch 22. So that then they say yes to me, but really looking at that person and thinking, this is a real human being who owns their own business, who is feeling a certain way, I really want to help them on a human level. That's very different to, I'm going to do this because then I'm going to get something from it. So there's a, just a change in thinking. It's a change in beliefs. And I also want to say. It's really important how you feel before you step onto that call. And so obviously I work in the energetics and energy with energy, but what is your pre call like setup? Do you go from quickly being busy doing something to jumping on a zoom? where's your brain at? Where's your body at before you're getting on a sales call? Because how you feel is going to affect how the person feels on the call. So could you take two minutes? Before the call to just really ground yourself, maybe to close your eyes and imagine this person really connecting with you and really feeling supported by you. Maybe even envisioning when you switch gears into suggesting how they could work with you, feeling really at ease during that moment, maybe anchoring in how great it feels to imagine clients just effortlessly saying yes to you. Maybe you have a piece of music that you could listen to before a sales call, either to get you pumped up, to get you excited, or maybe to get you feeling grounded. I think those are really important tools that we often miss that can have a really big impact on those sales calls and that experience.
Alyssa:Yeah, that's like me with like my boundaries that I've set around like certain calls. I don't take them after two my time because I go brain dead. Like nobody is ever going to get the best version of myself. And it really is like mostly for everyone else. But yeah, it's also for me too, because I'm tired and I know I'm not going to want to take it. But I love that you, what you were talking about as far as like, But also knowing that like I'm not just giving this value. So the person ends up working with me. It's on a humanized level because I think sometimes I don't even recognize that I actually do that. And I think it's gone. I'll tell you why I think I've gotten there as far as the mindset I've had to do because this might be a really good thing for you to hear. And you probably see this with students. I really struggle with mindset, money mindset specifically. I always had this thing where my parents never had money, so therefore I should never also have money. I am now the highest grossed in my whole entire family, like, and I, like, out beat everyone, which is amazing, and my dad's so proud of me for it. But like, Those moments getting there were like, there was a lot of times where like the first big month I ever had, the first big payment, I felt icky, I felt like I didn't deserve this, like all that work was like oh but it was so easy and it was so fast so I would put myself down. I had to do a lot of inner work and now my mindset is more towards money is like a faucet and I get to decide when that faucet gets turned on and off. Cause I do have times in my life, I know that sounds crazy for people to hear but like, I do have times in my life where I legit want to turn off that faucet. I'm like, yeah, I'm fine. I don't feel like it. I don't feel like pushing anything. I just want to like, you know, ease. so it's been a really interesting journey. And so now like starting my third business, so now my second firm and we do mostly the bookkeeping side and the consulting side, I've leaned into those conversations being I'm just here to help you. If you want to sign on and work with us, cool. If not, like, take this information, go do it yourself or go work with someone else. That's totally fine with me. Like I stopped, like there'd be a lot of people would be like, why are you not doing, you don't, might not know this, but diagnostic reviews means that we like look into a client's books before we decide to work with them to see how much it's going to take us to work with them. a lot of people were like, well, I don't want to give a diagnostic. Cause what did they just take off and use the information? I'm like, great. Have them go send it to their bookkeeper. There's a reason why they're on this call. There's a reason why they reached out to someone if they've got another bookkeeper. It clearly hasn't worked the first time with them. And a lot of people sometimes don't move forward. You don't hear from them ever again, but they still have access to the Loom video that has the information. And it's because I'm at a point where it's like, I genuinely want to tell you that you're missing out on 30, 000 of saved taxes if you don't fix this. I'm not teaching them how to fix it, but I'm making them aware about it. I love that you approach the value as far as like, You could still share it, but not trying to have that extra box to check if they also need to be my client.
Helena:For sure. And I really love what you just mentioned because this is actually the root of the work that I do. It's actually understanding what your early programming is around money. Like what you just said about, this is the background I come from. This is how my parents. created around money. These are questions that we all have to be asking ourselves when it, especially as business owners, because we are bringing those beliefs and that programming to our business. And, and people don't realize it. And that's the thing. And that's where the money mindset comes in. And as you said, you were like, Oh my God, I made this sale. You might think consciously, that's great, that's wonderful, I'm on high, I feel high, I feel like everything's working out for me, but actually, maybe your subconscious goes, this isn't safe, you're not deserving of this, you didn't work hard enough for this, and then what happens without us bringing awareness first to those subconscious beliefs is We then block it. We then sabotage ourselves or we procrastinate on repeating that sale or doing the things that maybe might allow more money to come in or God forbid for us to feel really good and at ease in our lives and make the money like sometimes the biggest belief and I'm sure that a lot of people in your your network resonate with this is like thinking that they have to hustle hustle And then make money. And so this idea of this concept of actually feeling happy and safe and well, and healthy within themselves and making money is like a foreign concept because of that early programming. So I just want to highlight that, that these are questions to start asking yourself, and that's why I always start with the early money programming. Like. Who was the breadwinner in the house? Was one parent more empowered than the other parent around money? What were the phrases that were said on repeat about money? What were the words used about money? What did you feel as a child when money was being discussed in the house? These are all nuggets of wisdom and clues as to what might be now showing up in your own life and in your, even your relationships when it comes to money.
Alyssa:Yeah, and I love one of the things that I wrote down too is like one of the common beliefs and not to pull the whole I'm a woman and women have different things like I really don't like pulling that card in any capacity, but one thing that comes up to me because I am a woman is one big thing is Women shouldn't have that kind of money or we shouldn't talk about money in the same way. And that if a man does it and he's voting about how he made a million dollars, it's going to be received a different way than a woman actually would say. and there's even that where it's like, I am confident enough to say what I make, that's fine. But then there's also like the back end part where it's like, I'm scared for what backlash I'm going to get for the way that people are going to view me or the way that even like the actions of other people. And so yes, the early programming and all the other things, there can be so much to it like that. I, and I know that, you know, this like, but it's so crazy to me. Like one of the big things that popped up to me that I wrote down that is perfect for the, my industry is, um, A lot of people go through the old school way of doing things. So for example, they charge hourly versus value packaging. And for anyone listening, who does that, that's totally fine. Do whatever feels good for your business. But the reason I bring this up is because. One common trend that I see is because I was taught this way or because someone said I had to do it like this. I need to do it like that. When really we could reprogram, we could decide, but hourly rating, in my opinion, is you are defining your success in your time based off of a number versus I value my time and space. I can get something done in one hour. That took me five years to learn. So yes, I'm going to charge you 500 a month for it. While this other firm over here is only willing to charge, you know, their hourly fee, let's just say it's 75 an hour for their firm. They're, they've got this big gap, but then they're, they're, they're mad at the people up here who are charging value because they're like, how can you charge someone 500 for just one hours of work? And the other person's like, why wouldn't you do it like this? So I'd love to talk about like, how do people, how do you help people deal in process with maybe even evaluating their, fees and the way that they charge things to really value and honor themselves and like what they do.
Helena:There's so many different angles with this, but I completely agree with what you're saying around value and charging. I do not charge hourly. And I certainly don't even think about packaging any of my programs in terms of what my hourly value is, because it just wouldn't make sense. I'm thinking about. The value that I'm going to provide to my clients and the breakthroughs that they're going to experience. And you can't really put a number on that. I always pick pricing based off of what really feels good within my nervous system. I'll be honest. Sometimes that means slightly lowering it because that's what feels good. Sometimes that means, you know, what? I'm undervaluing myself here. I'm going to increase my prices, but it has to feel good within the nervous system. And in fact, if you are undervaluing yourself and you actually know it and you want to change it, but you don't know how, or you haven't taken the action to change it. And you're actually undervaluing yourself. You might not believe this, but you might actually be pushing away clients because that could be a leaf in the back of your mind that goes, I'm going to have to work so hard for this or. I'm working too hard for this amount and I'm worth more. And actually, if you were to raise your prices, you might actually attract more clients because you feel more aligned with working with them. But not only that, you're going to feel better working with them. Sometimes that might be working with slightly fewer, but guess what? If it means working with slightly fewer, but you're still making just about as much, or if not more. And working fewer hours and feeling better within your business. Like, isn't that, isn't that a win? I think that's a massive win. So undervaluing and overcharging, like they can both have knock on effects because, but you have to really get to the, of what the actual belief is. And this is kind of an example of where I would say we have to also look at the early programming. Because if you feel, Oh, well, on a subconscious level, I can't possibly charge that because. The programming was, this is how I saw my parent go out and work to the bone to provide for us. And I was taught, this is how you earn money and this is what you have to do. And this is how you're going to operate. Then the idea of going against that can feel really scary. But when you understand where that's coming from and you get to nurture that part of you and even heal this part of you that says, I don't know if I can go against that, or I don't know if it's safe for me to step out in this way. Then suddenly you'll find, oh wow, it does feel really good in my nervous system for me to raise my prices or for me to think about value in a different way.
Alyssa:Yeah. I love that you're talking about like the nervous systems and how you feel because I'm really big on gut. Like I always know exactly what the price is. Sometimes I have my biz bestie tell me different price points and all of a sudden like whatever, like I felt triggered and almost inclined to say absolutely yes is always the rate. So I'll call her and I'll be like, Hey, I have this new offer. I want to do this, this and this. And she, and I'm like, I just can't figure out the pricing. She's like, what about 500? And I'm like, no. And then she's like, okay, so then she's like, what about a thousand? And I'm like, No, like it just there's so much more and I'll literally be there like mad that she's asking me these, but she's helping me like in the long. And then all of a sudden it'll be like this because we recently did this thing where I've never done it before, but I was traveling to North Carolina recently. And I was like, well, I'm here if anybody wants to meet up with me to do business strategy. And I threw out a random number and I had called her and she kept saying and I was like absolutely not. Like I have so many years of experience working with firms, like it's crazy. And by the time that she got to the number I was like that feels energetically good. Yeah. So, you know, maybe you just need to find like for anyone listening, find someone else in the industry that can just like rattle off numbers until you feel good and you're like a hell yes. Because that really helps me. It's just having someone, I know the answer, I just need someone to help me pull it out of me. Yeah.
Helena:The hell yes is really important because if you're going to be speaking about it, you have to feel that hell yes within your body or coming back to what people pick up on, on sales calls, people are going to feel that, like that feeling of discomfort around that. I do, sometimes I waver for a few days if I'm packaging a program and I'm like, I typed down lots of different options and I'm like, well, it feels good. And like, I go through it until I'm like, yeah, feeling
Helena:one. And it's just tweaking and then whatever comes from that comes from that. But I know that I feel aligned.
Alyssa:Yeah. So I have a question. I know that someone's probably thinking it is when someone is, let's just say that. I'm sitting here thinking like and I'm pricing old school way of doing hourly and I'm like I'm saying yes fifty dollars an hour. It just feels so good to me But really like you deserve way more in my opinion if anybody's charging fifty dollars an hour I'm telling you to please raise your rates But let's just say that that's in their capacity where they're like I feel really good right now about charging hourly and also fifty dollars an hour How do you get someone to work through the process to eventually get to a point where they're like? You And let's just say they stuck to hourly and now it's 100 an hour because I deserve that hour and I deserve that. How do you get someone from where they currently are to eventually where they want to go where they're not like feeling the stress and overwhelmed to wanting to get there?
Helena:I mean, would you say that you're working with them to get up the hourly or you would want them to look at how they could maybe create a monthly price or a price that feels like they're, they're, focusing more on the value versus the hourly? Cause I think those two might be slightly different.
Alyssa:Yeah. I think it's kind of like both a little bit entangled. The reason why I kind of bring this up is because the real big question that I'm asking is like, when someone is currently in a position where they are really confident at here at this level, at level one, but they could have a potential of hitting level 10, but they don't have that confidence to match that, to stand there confidently to say they own it. How can someone go from their level one to their level 10?
Helena:Yeah. Well, firstly, like you're a business owner, inflation is real. You know, if your prices haven't increased in the last two to three years, then you're losing money that like price of living has gone up and, and your experience has gone up. Therefore your value has got to increase. One thing you can also look at. I want to come back to the beliefs in just a moment because obviously that's at the root, but one thing you can also look at is, Hey, this is what I would do. I'll do some visioning. What do you ideally want your business to look like? Like how many clients would you love to be working with on a monthly basis? What amount of hours would you like to be working on a weekly basis for that to happen? What kind of work do you want to be doing? How many face to face calls do you want to be doing versus more of the business The backend stuff that you're doing behind the scenes. So I know really map that out. What if you were living that life, like what would it feel like a really great number to be making on a monthly basis? Okay. Now we're starting to actually see something tangible. Okay, so if this is the number that you would love to be earning monthly, how many clients would that require you working with at the rate that you're at right now versus a rate that feels better or a rate that feels like it's more focused on your value versus your hourly starting to not manipulate it, but starting to really understand it from that perspective and that you were the business owner and you get to create that might change their perspective a little bit on those numbers and on the price that they want to set. but also if I was working with someone one to one and we were looking at that, I would start actually going with within and looking at the nervous system. So if I were to say to them, okay, we've just doubled your prices and you have a sales call in five minutes. And I want you to say that price. We're going to look at instantly the thoughts and feelings that have just come up within their body. Like instantly there'll be a thought, like I can't do that. Nobody's going to pay me that. Or, they're going to laugh at me, whatever it might be, or we're going to look at the feeling like, Oh my gosh, my stomach just got so tight. Or I just felt tension in my shoulders or I can feel my palms beginning to sweat. Well, right. That's amazing. Your body is trying to tell you something right now. Let's look at what it is actually trying to tell you. And so that is where I would then lead them through some of the subconscious work to look at. Okay, what is the actual belief here? Is it that I'm not safe earning at this level? Is it they're going to judge me if they find out that I'm earning this much? Who am I to work less and to earn more? These are the beliefs that will start unraveling and then we'll get to the root of it. Okay. Where did you learn that? Where does that come from? And in one session of doing that, you can very quickly clear that out or heal the nervous system. And we'll come back to the number and they're like, Whoa, , I feel really good about that. Like, I feel really excited about going and charging that, that is the power of money mindset at work.
Alyssa:I love that. It's so funny. Cause you naturally into one of the questions I had for you, which is, What is it like working with you? A little bit of that process that actually worked out really well. Yeah. I love all of this. I could talk to you forever and ever about this because I've had my own journey. You know, there's always room for improvement and stuff, but man, it has been the difference between that version of me at the beginning of my first business to who I am now is so wildly different in the way I approach it, which is just crazy, but it just proves that you have to do the work and that you have to dig deep because you really do cap yourself. You show up with different energy. So I'd love to hear like, what do you have to share with our audience? Anything that you want? Way to connect with you? What do you have for us to be able to get into your world?
Helena:Yeah, I would love, I just honestly, as you I hope heard from this episode, love to connect with people. So if you have a big takeaway from this episode, please pop me a DM on Instagram. I'm at I am Helena Grace. I also have a great freebie or a couple of freebies that I'm going to give the links to you to share with the audience. So I have a free money magnet meditation that they can start listening to another great thing to listen to before those sales calls. And I also have a really special new freebie. It's a free abundance and success toolkit. It's actually got a workbook in there. That's going to help you. uncover and break down exactly what your limiting money beliefs are because I think that's where the key is to starting this process. So I'll drop the link for that. And then I also have a podcast. So I dive deeply into money mindset on that and lots of different areas and with lots of different avenues. And so that's the girl unfiltered podcast. So definitely go and check that out as well.
Alyssa:Yay. Well, thank you so much. And I'll make sure to drop all those links in the description below for anyone listening. Thank you so much for being here and for just sharing all of your awesomeness. I love this. I can't wait for this to go live. I think this is going to help so many of our people in our space.
Helena:Thank you for having me.