Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)
The Manifestation Shift: Unleashing Confidence and Abundance in Your Business with Alyssa Simpson
Alyssa Lang interviews Alyssa Simpson, Owner of Alyssa Simpson Coaching and mindset and manifestation coach, on the power of doing the inner work, embracing authenticity, and cultivating unshakable confidence. They discuss shedding old identities, shifting mindsets from scarcity to abundance, and the importance of aligning actions with desired outcomes for personal and business success.
In this episode you’ll hear:
- How to control your feelings and shape her own reality
- Why it's important to prioritize inner work over business strategy and embrace authenticity
- How to do the inner work, face discomfort, and connect with what you truly want
- How to shift from scarcity to abundance mindset and operate from a place of service-led approach in business
About our guest:
Alyssa Simpson is a mindset & manifestation coach helping women tap into their innate power by burning the rule books and handing them the pen to write their own. She has been a student of manifestation and the metaphysical world for 15+ years and became a teacher of the metaphysical world in 2019. She helps women reclaim their magnetism by uncovering limiting beliefs, working through old subconscious programming, and understanding the energetics of money.
Connect with Alyssa Simpson:
Follow Alyssa on Instagram: @_alyssasimpsonx
Check out her website: www.alyssasimpsonx.com
Listen to her podcast: LimitLyss on apple & spotify
Resources mentioned in this episode:
📘 'The Way of Integrity' by Martha Beck
📖 FREE Manifestation Workbook
📘 ’10x is Easier than 2x’ by Dan Sullivan
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I'm super excited for today's episode. I think you guys are really going to enjoy the conversation. It's a longer of an episode than usual, but to be honest, it's because I could not stop consuming the incredible information and just jamming with this lovely guests that we brought on today. So her name is actually Alyssa Simpson. So yes, there's going to be two of us today, which is always really fun. And she spells her name the same way I do, which is super great. Today, we're really deep diving into some deep stuff, but like, I feel like so needed with right now. There's so much heaviness in the world. And just like, I know a lot of other entrepreneurs, a lot of people in this space who are just feeling it right now and I'm feeling it as well. And so I'm going to be also sharing some of the things I'm going through right now during this process, but we're really going to be deep diving into how to align your mind with your actions, how to really make sure that your money mindset is in alignment with what you want to charge. And also not really creating desperation around always needing clients, but instead. Changing your perspective and the way you talk about it too, I would love to serve these clients versus just saying, I need to constantly make more money. We're going to really deep dive into showing some gratitude for yourself and how far you've come in your journey. And how you, when you go through different phases in the business, you shed old versions of yourself. What to expect when those things happen, how hard it can be, but what beauty comes from that other side, I'm currently going through that right now for myself. And it's a lot. And so I'm so happy for you guys to listen into this conversation. Alyssa is just such a gym. And it came at the most perfect day possible as I'm going through my own stuff as well. And so I'm so grateful and feel free to share any of the experiences or things that you're going through as well. After you listened to this episode. Hey everyone, and welcome back to yet another episode of the Conquering Workflows and Systems for Bookkeepers and Accountants podcast with your host here, Alyssa Lang. It's so exciting because we have another Alyssa today, which is always so fun to say, and we actually spell her name the right way, which is A L Y S S A, which I'm so happy to meet yet another Alyssa who spells it the right way. The way that I love it to be spelled. So I bring on a very special guest that we actually connected via Instagram. If I remember correctly, it was Instagram on my bookkeeping firm, actually. And we both have the same color, like vibe in our office. And we just like immediately connected. And it was just so funny. We had the same name and we've just kind of stayed in contact on Instagram. And then it turned into her guest speaking for our breakthrough students. And. She's so amazing guys. I mean, you've got to be in her world. We'll talk about how to be in her world here at the end of the episode, but she's amazing. She's just really great at money mindset and just like realigning yourself with the business and just all the things that go with the power of your mind, all the things. So Alyssa, without further ado, will you please feel free to introduce yourself and welcome to the show.
Alyssa Simpson:Hi everyone. I am so excited to be here. And yes, as soon as Alyssa and I. Even said hi to each other on Instagram. I was like, this is my kind of person. And I actually told her that our name means friendly. So for all the other Alyssa's listening, your name means friendly. So that kind of explains why people are drawn to you. I think it definitely has to do with. Our name and our energy and all of that. But I am a mindset and manifestation coach, and I really work with women to help them have the unshakable confidence, the bulletproof money mindset, and help them step into the highest version of themselves. And when I say highest version of ourselves, I'm talking about the version of us who already has all the things that it is we're trying to manifest because there is a version of us who has already achieved the things that are on our heart that we desire. And that is the only proof that we need, that we are worthy of what it is that we desire because it is on our heart. Right. So I really work with everyone's uniqueness, their authenticity, and just really what makes them them. I am very anti cookie cutter. I am very anti Let's just throw what has worked for me on to someone else because that isn't the case. We are all so unique and so different and we all have very special experiences, characteristics, and traits about us that is honestly doing a disservice to the world whenever we try to dim those things about us. When we try to do what other people have done to find success because That's just not the case. I mean, think of all of the beautiful people that have come into our world and created something incredible for us. Like the internet, the fact that Alyssa and I are in two different states right now, and we're recording this podcast and it's going to go on to the internet and you're going to be able to listen to it from anywhere in the world. That was someone's idea that they had the uniqueness and the authenticity to bring to light. And now we are benefiting from it greatly. So. I know that's a very large example, but artwork, architecture, recipes, meals, anything that you love in the world, it was once a thought from someone else. And I really work with women to amplify what it is that thought is in them. And it really helped them kind of understand how to bring it to light and fruition by using. The power of our minds, which is more powerful than I even understand really like I still learn things every day and I'm like, holy **** like, we are just amplifying so much power and energy and not even using it the way that it should be used. But I'm so excited.
Alyssa Lang:Yeah, well, thank you for being here. It's so funny because I think that at one point in my journey of like trying to like get deep and learn more about myself and like learn about the universe and how everything works together. I remember when people would tell me they would be like, your mind is really powerful. I'm like, I don't my systems. Brain does not understand. Like, I don't know. Well, you got to do something you've got to do. Like, I don't get it. Like, we could sit here and think all day and like pray and do, but it's like, when is it actually going to happen? And so I feel like for a really long time in my own journey, I was like, that's BS. Like, that doesn't make sense. Like it needs, someone needs to do the work. Who the hell is going to do the work? Like, so I would love to kind of lean into that actually as like one of our main topics for anybody who might, you know, I know for me and you we've done a lot of that inner work that we now understand. It's like once you understand, it's like you can't un understand it. We understand the power of the mind, but for someone who might be new to this and be like the same as I was, we're resisting it, saying, well, who's going to do the work? How would you like explain to someone in barely kind of dipping their toes into this space of like really what the mind, the difference between the mind and the doing are doing together?
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah, 100%. And what I love to teach people is the equation for manifestation is be, do, and then have, so the being part is at the beginning, right? Because we have to be and embody the version of us who has the things that we want to have. So for instance, if I have a desire to be an Olympic athlete, my action is going to align with being an Olympic athlete. Because I don't have the desire. I'm not going to do that. Because if I were to do the things that Olympic athletes do right now, it would just be busy work. And it wouldn't make any sense as to why I'm doing it. Right. So if we're talking about, I'm going to use just a very general thing of, let's say, becoming a millionaire, becoming a multiple six figure business owner, having a successful sold out business, right? Because I'm sure a lot of your listeners are entrepreneurs. And a lot of the women that I work with are also entrepreneurs. And that is always the big goal is Alyssa. How can I make more money? Alyssa, how can I. Start to really have all of these clients flooding to my doorstep. And okay, well, let's be the version of you who does that. And it's very simple things like, is the version of you who signs multiple clients every month, are they waking up in the morning and saying, **** all to their morning routine? And are they sitting on Tik TOK scrolling for two hours before they even like get dressed and eat a nourishing meal? and stretch their body and go outside and get sunlight on their face, or, you know, are they just diving into work? And chances are you're not just diving into work. You're taking that time to really do the things for yourself. And I actually just had this conversation. Not even two hours ago, I have a friend of mine and she sent me a message and she was like, I know I'm supposed to be doing the mindset work. I'm doing the mindset work, but I feel like there's something missing because I feel like I'm not like there needs to be like some business thing that I'm missing. And the answer is, yes, there are things in business that we have to do, right? Like we have to create a personal brand. We have to be talking about our offers. We have to be creating offers that we really enjoy selling to people that, okay. Actually need the offers, right? Okay. That's the very basic level ness of what we should be doing. Right. But I want you to take it a step further. And where is your service at? Are you doing things from a service led place? Are you doing it from a mission and a purpose led place? Because if you're not, you're going to attract things that aren't for your purpose, your mission, and your service. Does that make sense? Because of the law of attraction, We attract what we put out, right? And a lot of people think that that is just, well, if I'm positive, then positive things are going to happen to me. And that's. Yes. That is a piece of the pie, but it's also, if you are creating offers from a place of scarcity and lack, you're going to keep continuing lack and scarcity. If you are waking up every morning and checking Instagram and checking your emails first thing, because you're like, I really hope someone booked a discovery call with me. I really hope someone paid for my new offer. I really hope I have a new client knocking at my door. That's from scarcity because the version of you already has that. Okay. Knows damn well that every time they get on their email, there's someone waiting to book an appointment with them. They know damn well, every time they get on Instagram, there's going to be someone who is seeking their advice, right? They're not looking in every little corner of their business and hoping and praying that someone has come in and book something with you. So if you're thinking to yourself, okay, but I'm doing all the things, I'm showing up every day. I'm selling my offers. I'm having conversations with people who I think would be my ideal client. Okay. Okay, but where are you doing it from? Because abundance and scarcity cannot live in the same energy. So either you are coming at this and from an abundant place of, I woke up today and I cannot wait to impact the people in my life. I cannot wait to change someone's life. And there is no one out there who is going to do a better job than I am. Is it that energy or is it, I really hope that I just sound so great and I really hope that they can see how great I am and I really hope that they're going to see the value in me because that Is where you're doing gets messed up because if you're doing things from that scarcity and that lack and that really like, will someone please just work with me? Will someone please sign this contract and please let me be your coach, your service provider, your whatever. That kind of energy is going to attract that neediness to, but if you change how you're being you're doing is going to line up with that automatically. And when you embody the version of you, who is your highest self, who has it all, who does it all the doing you get it, you get to do things from an intuitive place. So you have that feeling of, you know what, I think I'm going to go to this networking event that I've never been to before, but I had this feeling that maybe I should go to this event. And you go to the event and you find clients that are going to be with you for the next 30 years. You know what I mean? But you would have never gone because you have such a lack limiting belief of, I can only get them through Instagram. I can only get them through TikTok. I can only get them through my sales funnel and check my emails. When in reality, we only see five to 10 action possibilities happening for us. And the universe is infinite. Right? Another conversation that I had, And so this woman who I was talking to who lives in the Dallas Fort Worth area where I'm at, she's a baker in the area and her and I were talking about some goals that she and she had told me that she really wants to have a commercial site where she can go in and have like a commercial kitchen and make all these baked goods that she does. And she's like, but the real estate in the Dallas, Fort Worth area is just crazy. There's absolutely no way I could ever afford that. And I said, Oh, that is a lack and scarcity belief that you think That the only way for you to have a commercial real estate bakery is if you find it through a real estate agent, put it in an offer, and get accepted. Because the universe sees a million different other ways for that to happen to you. You could literally have someone gift it to you.
Alyssa Lang:Or a
Alyssa Simpson:grant. Or there's so many ways, exactly right. There are infinite ways of that becoming a possibility. And you are blocking yourself every time you think that the way that you're going to make things happen is only through like these five or 10 different opportunities that you see.
Alyssa Lang:I love that so much, especially one of the notes I wrote down was when you were talking about the abundance and the prospects, when you get up in the morning and you're checking the email, you're checking the Instagram, you're checking all the places. Like, I just hope someone had yes. I hope someone did this. It's so funny because I think I'm so far into my business journey that that doesn't exist like it used to. I still have my own money issues. I still have my own, like, oh, we got to kick in the marketing because, you know, things are a little bit different. We just hired new employees. Like I go through that myself, but I think the thing that changed, and I don't remember who told me this, but since then I've always like adopted this in my mind and my brain, I've convinced myself of this, the whole BDU have thing that you were talking about, which is. I believe that money is like a faucet. I just saw, I get to decide when I get to turn it off or turn it on. Because I do go through phases in the business and in life where I'm like, you know what? I could use a little bit extra cash. Like maybe it's doing renovations right now. It's big renovations around my house. And I'm like, okay, what are we going to do about it? Instead of like the old me would be like, I'm limited because I'm only working as a bartender and I can only handle with the people who walk through that door. I don't have any control over. Anyone else when that's BS too, I could have also posted on my Instagram, posted to my friends and family, encouraged them to be there. I could have ran ads if I wanted to, like, now that I know what I know, I could have done things so different as a bartender. But like the reason I bring that up is just to resonate with anybody else who's also feeling the whole, well, where, when they're stuck in that place of, I don't have any clients. Cause we have a lot of listeners here, like a lot of bookkeepers and accountants who are like, You know, right now a lot of people are losing clients just because it's an election year. Everything's a little bit weird right now. A lot of business owners are cutting back inflation. Everything is just crazy expensive. And I know that they're probably looking at their email, hoping for that, but I will tell you just because you shared this as well, that this has also been true for me as well. The moment I let go of, I need to land this client to, I would be honored to serve this person. If they don't feel an alignment, that's okay. But I think sometimes it's really hard to justify that feeling when you truly don't have the funds or you truly aren't bringing in the revenue that you want to. So I feel like it does get a little bit easier as you bring in more revenue, but I definitely can say like now, every time I get on a console, I'm like, If they don't accept it, we have a great follow up sequence. We've got a great connection points. If they don't go through, that's totally cool. It's okay. If you want to work with this bookkeeper, if they're, you know, cheaper or you want to go this route, like, that's okay, that's, that's what you need in your space. But I think approaching it in that capacity has allowed for like the right clients, like, that's what you need. The coolest people you could possibly think of are in my world and like that we serve and it's so incredible They're so understanding like it's insane so I would love to kind of back up on that concept that I was just talking about as far as When someone really doesn't yet currently have the funds that they need to maybe operate or be okay and secure in life How do they step into this? I don't need this. I just want it. It's going to be okay. Like how do they really step into that?
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah. So the first thing that I have, everyone who has this same exact I don't want to call it an issue because it's not, but we, and even as you and I, Alyssa, our business owners, we have the same ebbs and flows. We go through the same thing. We have the, the months, the weeks where it's like, nothing is working out what is going on. And we'd be lying if we said that we still didn't have that. But what I will say is the first thing that I always want to strip it back to is gratitude. Because if you do not, Appreciate and show gratitude towards what you have right now. Even if it's just a dollar, even if it's two pennies, you can rub together. That's the only thing you have. If you do not show gratitude towards that, you cannot energetically have more. And. That is just the foundational work of really working on your mindset is really changing the lens of, well, I don't have clients right now, but it's like, okay, are your basic needs met? Do you have food, water, and shelter? Those are the basic needs. And I guarantee you, all of us have those three things. Everything else is a luxury. Everything else is a, wow, I'm so lucky that I get to have an office and a computer and a cell phone and access to, um, All this information in the world, right? Like it's really taking yourself out of the nothing is working out for me. I don't have access to anything to realizing how much you truly do have. And when I first heard that starting out, I was pissed off. I was like, okay. I get it. I am grateful. I say thank you to people that give me things. I say thank you when someone opens a door for me. Like I am a grateful person. I don't need to work more on my gratitude, but it's taking it again, a step further and showing gratitude for what you have and what you want to call in. So instead of being in the mindset of, Oh, I don't have any clients. No, thank you for the clients that are on their way to me. Thank you for showering me with the most soul aligned clients that I could ever even imagine working with. And for Once you've kind of done that gratitude practice. And what I like to have people do too is write out 10 different things every single day of what you are grateful for. And it could be very simple. Like I'm so grateful that I have a cup that has a straw on it because I am a straw girly. Okay. So I'm so thankful that I have a reusable cup and straw. I'm so thankful that I have chapstick. I'm so thankful that I have socks on my feet that I have jewelry I can wear. Start with just 10 things and every day do 10 different things. And it could be the most random, like, I'm so thankful. I have fingernails and I can scratch myself when I itch. Like it's little things like that. It's taking it that way. And then after you've done your 10 things that you have, you're grateful for them, do the 10 things that you were calling in and show gratitude towards them and really get yourself in the energy of you already have it right now, when we are talking about the Oh my gosh, I really need to sign a client because I don't have any funds coming in right now. And I'm like this close to burning my business to the ground and going back to my nine to five. Why don't you play with the what if scenario of what if it all blows the **** up? What if this is the the month that you make, double what your income goal has been. What if this is the month that your business becomes the thing that supports you because the law of unwavering faith states, and this is a universal law I'm talking about, is that you never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give up. And some people will tell you that the universe likes to test you. I don't believe that. The universe likes to reflect you what it is that you're calling in and when you can show the universe like I'm, I'm digging my heels in and I am committed to what it is that I want. I'm not giving up and I'm going to prove it to you that I'm here. I'm going to work through the tears, the sweat, the blood, whatever, because I know that this is my only plan A. I don't have a plan B. This is my plan A. I'm not even going to play the what if I have to go back 29 to 5 because that's not an option, right? And right when that happens, when you dig your heels in and you do the law of unwavering faith, the universe does deliver to you. Then you'll have like an email, like you just booked a discovery call with someone, or you have someone knocking on your DM saying, Oh my god, you know what? Take all my money. I have been You've been on my vision board and I can't wait to work with you. And here it is like, please let me work with you. That's when the things happen is when you truly show that you are committed to what it is that you want to have and what it is that you know that you're deserving of having.
Alyssa Lang:Yes, I love that. It's so funny. It reminded me of like my journey here at Workflow Queen when I started this company. So I had my own firm at the time that I started it because I had a bookkeeping and tax firm. I only started this company to literally help other firms like build out their Asana. That was originally how this business started. Then it turned into I can't serve everyone one on one. It turned into let's create a course on Asana, right? So it's just like continue to build. And I knew I couldn't serve the accounting space, but I remember it was six to eight months of Nobody knew who I was. Everyone was like, who the hell is Alyssa? What is she selling? Like, what is she doing? I knew deep down there was absolutely 1000 percent like it to my freaking core, even though there was a lot of examples and instances and hurdles that came through my way, I knew deep down that I had something that would change the way the accounting industry would be. And. I almost gave up multiple times but then at the end of the day, it was the unright, like you said, the unwavering what did you call it? The unwavering
Alyssa Simpson:faith,
Alyssa Lang:faith. Gotcha. So the unwavering faith, like, and it's so funny that when you say I'd never put like a a name to it, like a title to it and the title to it is that because that's exactly how I felt. I was like, but then all I needed to do was pivot. The universe showed me a woman who taught me how to launch. Who taught me how to get my offers in front of the right people and communicate with my industry to let them know. I am here to stay. This is what I have going on. If I would have given up this company wouldn't be where it's at. We have helped thousands in the accounting space and actually have changed and made a ripple effect to the way things are done with systems. And if I would have just given up. And because I knew, like you said, my core, deep down, no matter how many times boyfriend at the time was like, Your firm's doing so well, why do you need, like, this other thing? Like, why are you going to get distracted? And I'm like, I don't know. He's like, you're drowning yourself learning marketing and funnels and design. Because, like, I never came from that. And he was. I lost myself in the process was the downfall. I lost my body. Yeah. Because I really threw myself into the business and was like so convinced, but it also proved to me that when you hyper focus on like, I don't care what anybody tells me, even though they think it's going to go wrong, I know I just can't explain it and I cannot figure out the roadmap. Yes.
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah. And when you mentioned earlier, like the analytical brain, you have to put your analytical brain on the back burner. Because your analytical brain is going to try to self sabotage your fun, flowy, like imaginative brain. And your imaginative brain is the one that makes things happen for you. And your analytical brain is like, well, that doesn't make any sense. If I want to make a million dollars, then I have to change the structure of my business. Do you? Do you? why does this million dollars have to come from your business? Why can't you get it as a gift? Why can't you win the lottery? Why can't you have someone show up on your door and get like unexpected checks in the mail? Right? Like the analytical brain, we love it. Thank you so much. We're so grateful for you. But at the same time, like you have to learn to quiet it down and you have to challenge it and say, okay, if you're telling me that it takes hard work to make a lot of money, But then how come all these CEOs that I see, they take vacations every, every month, like yacht vacations, they're traveling the world, and they make the money that I desire to make, and they're technically not working hard, so you have proof, like you have literal proof for you to say, like, that's possible for someone else, so I know damn well it's possible for me, like, why not me? And then that's when her inner critic gets in the way. And my, my inner critic, her name is Anita. And she'll start that talking. And she was like, but you are, you haven't been in business long enough. You haven't done this enough. You don't know, you don't know the ins and outs of this. And I'm like, and these people started out the same way I did. Why can't I get to that level? Because that's literal proof from the universe. That's like, here's this breadcrumb of what's possible for you. Now you just have to get out of your own way. And that's the point of the mindset work. And it's like going to the gym. People think that they can sit down and meditate for 20 minutes a day or journal before they go to bed. And okay, I did my mindset work. I'm ready to, I'm ready to receive their hands. I'm like, I'm ready to receive. Okay, great. But how committed are you? Are you going to continue to keep doing this because you can't just go to the gym And do a couple ab workouts three days a week and expect to have abs, like you have to be consistent. It has to be invasively non negotiable because you have to ask yourself, do I love myself enough to make this a non negotiable? Do I love myself enough to say, fuck the analytical brain, fuck all the people that are telling me that it's not possible, my inner critic who's telling me it's not possible, because I'm going to prove everyone and myself wrong by making the things that I want happen, happen. Yes, I
Alyssa Lang:love that. Preach girl. I love all this conversation. one of the things I've wanted to kind of talk about was the higher self, because I know from my own journey, I do know that as you leap into different forms of your life or different forms of your business, or sometimes it's the two together. Whatever that looks like, there's always this like version of yourself, the shedding. A really good book that does a really great description of this is a new one I've been reading. It's 10x is easier than 2x. Have you ever heard read that? No, I haven't. Oh my God. It's great. It's by, uh, Dan Sullivan. I'll have to, I was gonna say, I'll have to link it, but I'm literally just telling you right now. So there you go. This is a great book. So for anyone listening, I really recommend this book. It's really great about changing your mindset on going big. So The reason why he says 10x is easier than 2x is because when you try to 2x the business, you're just going to do double of everything you're doing. Double output, double everything, right? When you 10x, you got to get real creative, real quick. So if you're at a six figure business, if you want to go 10x you're getting up to a million dollars, The things you would do to make that happen from just going 2x is just we just double everything. And so I really like this book a lot because he changes the perspective of in order to get there. Sometimes you're not trying to 10x logistically but the reason why I'm talking about this is because he talks to that in each. phase level up, whatever word we want to use. We've all heard it level up a transition or whatever you want to call it. He says you're shedding an identity version of yourself. Cause the identity of the person who is the 10 X version of yourself cannot share the same identity of the current self. And I know that you know this, and I love that you actually go through this and teach people this because. Yeah. The hardest part is that we don't realize, and I'm sure that you talk about it, but I wish more people did, that they talked about, it is really hard to let go of yourself. you're almost doing like your own eulogy at your own funeral to say, bye, I'm not putting up with that version of myself. That version, it's funny, yours is Anita, mine's Victoria. And it's so funny, I've never met someone else who actually like called their alter ego a name. So both Alyssa, both calling her alter egos and she's negative and her name's Victoria. And she's a bad girl. And so anyways, I think it's just such a great topic to kind of lean into about how we have to shed these versions of ourself, because it is really sad because in that moment, you're shedding also clients relationships. I've gone through a lot. I was taking a walk this morning. Right before this call. And I shared before we hit record that I'm having a day today. I canceled all my calls. You're the only one I kept today because I was like, I knew this mindset was going to be what I needed for today. And on my walk, I reflected on the different things that have changed in my life, because I feel like I'm at the verge of something big, but it's frustrating because I cannot put my hand on it. I cannot say what it is. I cannot understand it. I just have to allow it to happen, which is even more frustrating because I want to control, but on my walk. I was thinking about, wow, in the last seven months, I quit drinking stuff. It's a thing. It's just a thing, right? I got rid of you. Yeah. Starting to, not eat so bad. Perfect. That's a thing I'm just getting rid of. Cause I'm thinking all these things are going to help with anxiety and getting rid of all the stress and help me lose the weight. everything that I noticed when I was walking today and reflecting on the last, like, you know, seven to eight months of my life have all been things. They've all been temporary band-aids, and I didn't recognize until literally it clicked in my brain today, and I knew this, but it really hit me hard this morning that all these things have been great, but the more I keep shedding makes me realize that the core of me is what's really messed up and not messed up in a negative evil way. But that's more of like. I have tried to say, well, if I just quit drinking, I'll be okay. If I just get rid of eating bad, I'll be okay. If I get rid of working all the time and go on vacations, I'm going to be okay. So those were all temporary band aids until I came to this realization that at the end of the day, if I don't do the inner work of what's really going wrong and patch that fully and heal that, all these little things are never going to help me because they never make me feel Like I'm like, I've done the whole no drinking thing. I've done the losing weight. I've done the whole everything. Like, why do I still feel like this? Like, why do I feel like ****? so I kind of want to take a step back and talk about like what perspective you have on the shedding of your higher self and how you walk people through, like, like killing off their old version of themselves pretty much.
Alyssa Simpson:Yes. And what comes to mind every time is growing pains. We haven't had growing pains because we're adults, right? I don't remember growing pains, but I know I had them because I have not always been this size. And it hurts. It hurts when you're growing. It hurts when you are becoming something different when you're shedding skin. I am also, I don't shed skin like reptiles do, but I'm imagining it's not a very comfortable process for them. Right. And I too, I have been a year and a month alcohol free. I quit last year. Yeah. I know. Right. That was the same way. I was like, drinking is holding me back. I know that it is. Yep. And within, it was like the first six months. So very similar to where you're at in your journey too. I realized how much of the things within me, I was numbing and ignoring and not wanting to face. I also, I lost both of my parents within six months of each other five years ago, and I just drank to cope. I was drinking every night. I couldn't, you know, like I was like, it's fine. Everyone dies. We're okay. It's fine. It's fine. I'm 25 years old and I have no parents. It's fine. Who cares? And instead of dealing with it, I was putting band aids over it. So when I stopped drinking, I realized how much of that I really didn't heal. So I had to heal that. And then I also realized, like, I am just going down a spiral of this mindset of I don't give a **** what happens to me, that I'm here for a good time, not a long time, you know? And that's not truly what my highest self believes. And for me to get connected to my highest self, I had to really sit with my uncomfortability. I had to sit with the things about myself that I did not like. I didn't like how I was quick to judge others. I did not like how I was quick to judge myself. I didn't like how I would self sabotage everything that I was trying to manifest by saying, uh, it's, I really don't want it that bad. Like, I don't need it. It's fine. And I had to sit with, well, why was I doing this to myself? What was going on? Because in a really great way to see what those things are for yourself, you don't have to sit in silence or like go and hang out with monks or anything like that. Like you just have to be aware of what it is about others triggers you. Because that is the number one way that you can tell what it is about yourself that you truly don't like. And Once I did that and I realized, okay, who are the people in my life that irritate me? And I'm like, okay, I have like two what about them irritates me and all of their characteristics. I was like, damn, I, am kind of like that. So it was a really easy way for me to say, okay, how can I heal this? Because again, the way we react, the way that we are is is some kind of protection mechanism. It is our subconscious mind trying really hard to, To make sure that we're safe. And that's our subconscious mind's job is to make sure that we are safe. And it is the fight or flight responsor, right? And so it's constantly looking for, okay, is this fight or flight? Is this fight or flight? Is this fight or flight? And when you start to look at yourself, because it's uncomfortable because you're growing, because you're evolving, it's going to hurt, but you have to understand where is it coming from, right? So that's the first piece of it. And no one ever said that this process was going to be easy y'all. So just to let you know, it does take true grit and it takes, I always say it's for the big dogs because once you start working on yourself, that is when magic happens because you're finally saying to yourself, like, I know I deserve better. I know I want better. And I'm going to make sure I have better. And it's hard. It's not easy. So give yourself grace through this process too. Like give yourself so much grace for even saying that this is a journey you want to take because it's a big deal. So the first part is finding what it is about you that you are not that thrilled about and really get clear about, okay, what am I allowing? Like what is my level of tolerance? Do I allow people to mistreat me in my life? Do I allow myself to mistreat myself? How much time am I really spending living? And this is because I've had, you know, death in my life. I always like to ask myself, if I were to die tomorrow, if I knew I was going to die in 24 hours, would I be thrilled with the way I live my life or would I have regrets? And not regrets of like, Oh my God, I should have dated that douchebag for as long as I did. I'm talking about like your every day, like what you did every day living. Were you happy with the way that you showed up for yourself every day? Were you happy with how you treated others? Were you happy with the way that you gave back to the world? Were you happy with your purpose and your mission? And if I look at that and I say, you know what? No, I don't think I would be that thrilled tomorrow if I were to die, then I make changes immediately. I'm like, okay, what? And then I also ask myself like, what do I want people to feel and know about me? You know? And am I showing that about myself? So it goes back to the authenticity piece because I am a very big goofball. I call myself the giggling goddess of mindset and manifestation because I love to have fun. I love to laugh. I am a really good prank caller. So if you ever want to have some fun and prank call people. Hit me up. We can do it together. But I was like, how, like, that's really fun. And people enjoy. watching me prank call. So I brought that to my Instagram. I started doing lives on Friday where I would just prank call people. I bought a burner phone so I could prank call people live. And that sparked joy in other people's lives. And it sparked joy in me. And it's not like, I'm not going to cure cancer, right? Like this with prank calling people, but it's doing something for others and it's doing something for me. And that's a part of who I am authentically. So it goes back to that is do I really love singing? And am I not singing? Singing. Why am I not singing? Because I'm afraid of who I went to high school with is going to see me on social media, judging me for being at a bar singing. go to the bar, sing your heart out. That's authentically you. Do you really enjoy sports? Have you always had a desire to ride horses and you've never ridden horses? Like do the things that you've always really wanted to do and never done. And that is how you get connected to your highest self. When you put yourself in the position of doing things that you've always wanted to do, you're doing things that spark true joy in your life. You are getting closer and closer and closer to your highest self. And it's little things like this. Like you ask yourself, okay, what would my highest self do right now? I am not signing clients. So what my highest self do, is she going to beat herself up over it? Is she going to fight it? Is she gonna go into scarcity or is she gonna lean into trust and faith and know that everything comes to me no matter what? And another piece of this is we compare ourselves so much to others and I love social media but I hate that it does this to us. And it's such a mind **** because Yes, you have people on social media that are living this life that you also desire to have, but also you're comparing yourself to these people who you don't even know what's going on behind closed doors. You have no idea. We're getting a glimpse of what is happening to others and you're comparing how great and amazing and perfect and bright and unique you are to strangers. Like it doesn't make any sense and we do this every single day and I I really think that when you get off of the internet and stop consuming everyone else's stuff on social media, you have a better understanding of who you are. You have a better understanding of what makes you, you. And if you don't know, ask people that love you, that are your friends, that are your peers, that are your family. Like, what do you love about me? What do you think are some really great qualities about me? And they might say something that you didn't even know. And you can say, you know what, that I really love that about myself, but I don't show it often. Why? Because you're probably worried of what someone else is gonna think, and who cares? Because when you're on your deathbed, you're not gonna be wondering, I wonder what James from high school thinks about me. Like, **** him and **** everyone else. Like, you're gonna be like, I love that I lived my life. The way that I wanted to live it. And it really is getting yourself in that mindset of am I doing what I want to be doing? Am I doing what my highest self would be doing? And if you don't know, you got to sit with it and you have to ask and get really clear and really honest with yourself about what isn't working out right now and what you can make work out.
Alyssa Lang:Yeah. I love that. There's a couple of things that kind of came up for me and I like was writing down. One of them is a living within. Your own like integrity pretty much like with full alignment with yourself. There's this new book, just dropping all the books today. it's by Martha Beck. And I only know this because I was like reading the title the other day. And I think it's called The Way of Integrity. And this is a new book that I, for the past three days. And I swear to God, this is what has been screwing me up lately. In the most beautiful way. So let me explain that. So for anybody, don't be scared to buy the book. It's messing me up in beautiful ways because as I've worked through this, they give you like exercises to help really identify who your true self is as far as the, they say, and this is not to discredit anybody who has anxiety, who has to take medication or anything that you have to do. Her stance is that anxiety comes up from being out of alignment with yourself and that it comes up because of a fear of something that might happen without it actually becoming reality, but you're making that reality. And so it's a really cool perspective because I've been dealing with anxiety recently, which is not something I've dealt with. I'm 33. It's just come out of nowhere. And it's just, I don't know what's happening. I've quit the drinking. I've done this, like, why is this not like, why is this here? Right. And it's so very frustrating. So anyways I don't know how I found this book. It's only been three days and it has already changed my life. Like not even joking with you. So like reading through this and doing like the exercise, it asks you a lot of questions about like, if you know, you can positively say X is as true or false or things like that. And it's really cool. The concepts that she walks you through, because to be honest, I really think that deep down a lot of us are trying to live. our highest self and our true self but sometimes you don't understand that because We might have a husband who expects us who has like a I like to say that people have social contracts so if you know someone from high school You have a social contract with them that social contract states that this is the person you're showing up as and this is the social contract they're coming up with on their end. It's like you guys mutually agree to something And that's why people that have been around in your life for so long get so mad at you when you change is because your social contract has essentially broken. And so the reason I bring up that concept is that at the end of the day, we all just submit to everybody. So we submit to, um, Well, you know what? I have money issues because my parents were like that. Or, my family told me I have to get become a doctor because of this. So she goes through this whole process that like, if we all just stop living through the lens of everyone else and start really aligning with ourselves. But the way it messed me up is it's really made me do some really deep, deep work. And this morning for me, anxiety came up and I was like, what is happening right now that I'm out of alignment. And for the first time I approached it that way when usually it's like, let's jump in the cold shower. Let's go do that. Like, I have my little tricks that I do. But this one made me stop because she made a different realization about something's out of alignment. And I couldn't sleep last night and I got up at like two, three o'clock and went straight to work. And I was like, you know what? For so long, it's worked really well for me to get right to work at 4am, which is what time I start. And it's the freshest mind, but I'm like, maybe that's not really what I actually want. Maybe I still love getting up at 4am, I absolutely do, but maybe it's I need to prioritize myself. Like, everybody is sucking my energy all day. And it's exhausting. And it's such a great way to exercise through that. The last thing that I wanted to bring up that I think was so great that you said was, um, The way that people react to other people, whether that's their traits or the things that trigger someone, right? It's funny if you ever look back on a moment of time when someone said, let's just use like, you're ugly. Right? And you got triggered. And you got mad. It's because deep down you believe that yourself was ugly. And that's why we get triggered. But it's funny, like, the older I've gotten, I'm like, you say that to me, it literally doesn't even, like, apply in my mind. Yeah. And I'm not saying, like, oh, I'm so beautiful. I'm just saying, like, I just genuinely think I am a beautiful human being. Whether someone sees it in whatever context they see it in, I have deep down now believed it. That I can't say that's why I get triggered if people think I'm overweight because I am and I, I, I feel that way, but like, I can't wait to get to the moment where like that happens. I'm like, huh, like laugh in their face. So I encourage anybody listening to take a step back and like, look at how far you have come and shedding your old identities and saying, what was a moment in time where I used to be triggered by it. If someone said that same thing to me, I wouldn't be triggered. I wouldn't be mad about it. Like, it doesn't phase me anymore. So I love that you brought that up because I think that's such a great point of, like, reflection.
Alyssa Simpson:And it is. And it's, also the how you react to others, whatever they say, how they are, what they do. It's so easy to be like, well, it's them. And this is, let me, hold on, let me back up track. I'm kind of everywhere right now. So whenever my husband and I first got together, we've been together 10 years now. And when we first got together, he would always tell me like, people can't like, I can't make you mad. I can't make you excited. I'm like, what are you? Yes, you can. Like what are you talking about? Like your actions make me feel a certain way. And he's like, no, like that's not a thing. And, I used to always think, Oh my God, Josh is so full of ****. He doesn't know what he's talking about. And now like, you know, it was probably four or five years ago. I was like, you know what? You're right. Like I can't like, no one can make me feel anything. I'm in control of my feelings. And so when we also talk about feeling and saying like, I want to be in control. I want to feel safety. You have control over that. And at the end of the day, we really don't have control over anything. We really don't. Like a meteor could strike my house right now. It's about to storm. Not a meteor, maybe a meteor, but like a lightning bolt could strike my house and catch it on fire, all these horrible things. And even though I'm inside, like I'm safe from the storm, but anything can happen. That is out of my control. I really don't have control over any thing, but I do have control over how I feel and how I show up. And if I have control over how I feel and how I show up, then I also have control over what my reality is. And if I want my reality to be that I'm a millionaire, multi six figure business owner, whatever my desires are, my manifestations are, then I can also be in control of that. Does that
Alyssa Lang:make sense? Yeah. 100%. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It's, um, this is the fun stuff. It's funny. Like I said, like when we first started, like I used to take this stuff as like, I don't want to work through the mindset. I want to get straight to the logistics. I want to get straight to the systems. I want to learn like the, give me the business strategy. I don't want to hear your *******. Like that's literally how I used to be in business. And it's so funny. I'm at this point where it's just so different. I actually have a retreat to go to. I'm actually leaving for North Carolina tomorrow, but to visit my brother. And then I'm going to Nashville straight from there for a retreat for one of my coaches. And I'm really excited because it's like me, my, my coach Jill, and there's some incredible people like Amy Porterfield is going to be there. It's just like four of us women. It's like a very small group. And you know what my questions are for everyone like that. I want to like co work or chat through or like bring up our mindset, deep inner work****. Like it's not even strategy. I'm about to be in a room with a woman who has the best marketing strategies, in my opinion, in the marketing space, Amy, and ask her about. How did you shed through the different versions of yourself as you quantum leaped in your business over 10 years of doing it? That's gonna be my question. Because for me, that's what I'm dealing with. For what I'm dealing with right now is like, I know I'm on the verge of something beautiful. I don't know what it looks like. I'm just trusting that it's all gonna be okay. I cannot give up right now. Even though as much as like, I have my of days and I'm like not feeling it. But it's so funny how we change like and how I've actually adapted into mindset. Your alignment and everything is more important than like the business money because the money will come. Yes. All of that will come with it because you are authentically, like you say, and I could see this in your background, nobody else can see it because they can hear us, but it says weird is a side effect of awesome. Yeah. And I'm obsessed. And I'm obsessed because I also was neglected in the space for having red hair, for being tattooed. Who, who the hell is she? Like on Facebook ads I used to get for in the accounting space would get like hate from like just people in general being like, who are you? Because everyone was used to suit and tie, suit and tie. Everyone think how to be suit and tie, always professional. And I came up and I showed up as myself and I got a lot of hate and I could have given up, but because I showed up as myself, I've actually attracted a lot of great weirdos. I love it. It is my favorite thing. And I don't even attract people who are like, like just boring. And like, I get like cool. Like my students are as cool as ****. Like I have the coolest people in my world. It's not even funny.
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah. And I am such a big, like, I always like to say like, let your freak flag fly because the freakier your flag, the higher you should fly it because. That's what makes life fun. When was the last time you met someone you're like, it's so great that they are in accounting. All they wanted to talk about was bookkeeping. I really like that conversation. Like, tell me about you. What did you like? What's the weirdest thing you've ever done? Like that's, those are the questions that I have for everybody.
Alyssa Lang:Like my warmup questions during our, uh, coaching calls. We always do a warmup question. And it's always something stupid. Like if you could be any food, what would you be? Or if you could be a potato, what kind of potato would you be? Like I just want to know. But we do it as like a way to get people excited. But it, it creates that level of weirdness. And I understand when people like show up to like our boot camps or free events that I do. And like, I'm showing my personality and who I am. There's a lot of people are like, she talks way too fast. I'm like, that's great. You can literally slow this down later. Like you can fly through it. I can't stop that. I have tried and I know I'm possibly, I don't want to limit myself to think I'm not capable of it because I am, but my brain goes so fast and I've got so much to say and so much to share.
Alyssa Simpson:Yes, me too. Me too. Literally when Josh and I first met, he said, I thought that you were on meth. Because of how fast you talk, I was like, Oh ****, it doesn't stop. Yeah. And even now he's like, okay, meth mouth, like slow it down. You went really fast. Right. Then I have no idea what you said. How can I talk a little slower? Sometimes it's not super fast. Yeah.
Alyssa Lang:Cause I think that like, I don't know if it's like. Me, but it's when I have a topic that's really exciting. Yes It's like when it's something that i'm super passionate about anybody says One word about a system or hiring a team member. I've got this problem in my business You don't even have to ask me if you wanted my answer like i'm about to blab But then I had to recognize that not everybody consumes and wants that So I have learned though, for my friend brooke. Actually, she was the one who taught me that she said I'm it's my human design is to just give, give, give. And that's what I'm an over giver as far as like information and details. And I will give you literally the whole process, the ins and outs, the details and the templates and everything in between. Hence why I do what I do. But she told me like, it's okay to stop and ask someone like, I'm about to spit fire so much ****. Can you handle this right now? Do you have space for it? So I've learned to ask people like, do you have space for what I'm about to tell you? Because it's going to be a lot of information. I suggest don't taking notes. Just watch this replay again.
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah.
Alyssa Lang:So I'm assuming it's probably the same for you.
Alyssa Simpson:It is the same. And for me, it is whenever anyone tells me a problem, I automatically just go into let me help you fix it. Yes. Instead of wait, do you want a solution or do you just want me to hear you? And I have to be very aware of myself in that position too, because sometimes people just want to vent just to get it off their chest. They don't need a solution. They just want to tell you what's going on. And so I had to learn that the hard way because people would be like, yeah. Just listen, just listen to me. Like stop telling me the 12 step program of what I need to do to get over this. Like, just listen. Okay. You're right. You're right. So before it was just word vomit on how I can help and what I think is best for you. And now it's okay. Do you want a solution or do you just want to vent and either option is totally fine. And I've had to learn that myself because not everyone wants to be saved. And even though, like, my passion and my mission is to try to save as many people as I can from themselves, to live their most authentic lives, to really embody the power that we all have within us, not everybody wants that. And that's okay. Yeah. That's totally fine.
Alyssa Lang:Yeah. It's also recognizing too, that it's okay for you to ask that of other people. Cause that's something I had to learn as well, which was, um, I'll call to vent. Like, my friend Brooke she's one of the coaches inside of Breakthrough, and she's incredible. Like, that girl has gone through a journey. I've seen her go through it, like, the past couple of years, and she's done some deep work. She's on the other side, and I'm like, I feel like I'm behind you right now because, like, I feel like I'm going through what she was going through, which I witnessed for her. I literally sent her a voicemail note today, and I was like, girl, like, I, I see you even more now than ever because I'm seeing what you were going through. But anyway, sometimes I'll call my friends, and I'll tell, like, especially when I talk to Brooke sometimes, I'll be like, immediately, I am here to vent. I am not looking for a solution. Like, I don't try to solve anything. And it's not her specifically. It's like a lot of my friends and stuff, but I will straight up say that she's like, absolutely. And she, she knows like what version of herself to click on because of that. She's like, I need to just show up as someone who's here because also me and Brooke can get on calls and like, fuck. figure out the world problems all in one call together because we're like that and we are so system oriented we could fix things but we both want to fix each other so like i always have to ask her do you want me to give you something or are you just here to vent or vice versa i have to tell someone up front no offense but do not try to solve this i just need space but Hence why it didn't work out with me and my ex because he didn't listen to that ever. Here we are, but all bad. Anyways, I am so grateful for you. This is, I told you before we hit record that I needed this podcast interview more. For myself than for anybody else, because I feel like I needed to pick me up. So I want you to know that I am very grateful for you being here today. I feel like I needed to pick me up for myself with whatever I'm going through. So thank you for showing up as yourself and being authentic and giggling with me and having a great time. But I want people to be immersed in your world and all things, Alyssa, and not just this Alyssa, but a new Alyssa. So how can people get into your world and your space? And I know you have something to offer our audience today. So if you want to share.
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah, definitely. And I just want to say thank you too, because. being able to pour into not only you, but to the listeners like that lights me up. So I feel like my week has been made just by being here with you. So thank you for having me so, so, so, so, so much. And yes, if you want to get into my world, you can follow me on Instagram at underscore Alyssa Simpson X. I also have a free dare to manifest workbook that you can download with a little five steps to really kind of kickstart your manifestation. I also have a podcast called Limitless, L Y S S, where you can hear me gab and talk and just pour into even more for yeah, forever, honestly, and yeah, please, if you do come over to me on Instagram, please say hi and let me know that you listened to this podcast because it makes me so happy to hear. From people who have heard something and felt impacted from it too.
Alyssa Lang:Yeah, I love that. Cool. We'll make sure to link the free manifestation workbook and also the podcast link as well. I was going to ask you something. And then that totally just like went through my brain. Which makes me really sad because I know it was important. But anyways, hopefully it comes up and it eventually will. I appreciate you so much for being here and for doing this. We'll make sure to have everything linked. That's what it was. How can people work with you? Like what do you offer to help people work through these things? I know you have a free resource, but to get straight to the point and just pay you to do the things.
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah, definitely. So I have a group course hybrid program that actually just launched this year. It's called confidence to cash and it is a 12 week program where I really teach you how to lean into your authenticity so that you can have that unshakable confidence to really have the bulletproof money mindset, to learn how to step into your highest self. And it is. 15 years worth of knowledge that I just poured into this course to really help you with setting that foundational work. And then I also do have open spots right now for private coaching and my boxer coaching as well, which is all of my websites. You can kind of see which spot would be the most beneficial for you, or you can just come DM me and ask like, Hey, which spot do you think would fit me best?
Alyssa Lang:I love that. Well, thank you so much for being here and thank you for all of your goodness today. I really greatly appreciate you and thank you for being here.
Alyssa Simpson:Yeah. Bye y'all. Thank you.