Conquering Workflows & Systems For Bookkeepers & Accountants | with Alyssa Lang (Workflow Queen)

Unstoppable Mindset: Conquering Fear, Embracing Success, & Elevating Your Business

Alyssa Lang Season 1 Episode 75

In this solo episode, Alyssa Lang covers overcoming mindset blocks, shifting self-talk for success, creating solutions to break through mental barriers, and aligning your business with your next-level self.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What mindset blocks and things you tell yourself that have gotten in the way of your success
  • How to shift what you tell yourself and your mindset to get to the next level
  • What solutions to create in order to break through your mindset issues
  • How to align your business with the next level version of yourself

Resources mentioned in this episode:

🧡 Join our FREE POWER to Breakthrough Bootcamp (8/19 -8/23)

📚 The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck

⚙️ Notion

💻 Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants

Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen

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*Bootcamp dates: February 17th - February 21st

I'm so excited because I'm doing an extra special over the next couple of months. I'm going to be dripping out some awesome content for you guys. That's really going to set the tone to help you become what I like to call work optional or removable CEO. So in order to get there and to really set that tone over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to do. A lot of solo episodes and I'm going to sprinkle in a very special week where I do a two part special guest. episode and I'm so excited, it's actually going to be two parts in one week. So over the next couple of weeks, I'm actually a whole month. you can expect to have some greatness come from this and so much. Great, awesome. Action items and things to really help you set the tone to get to the next level. This is really geared towards those of you who are scaling in the business. As far as you've got the people knocking on the door and the clients want to work with you, but maybe you can't serve them. Maybe you're really struggling to hire a team, or maybe you currently have a team. And that team is just not performing up to your par the these next. couple of weeks of episodes are going to be the best. So I'm so excited in today's episode, we're going to be really focusing on the mindset because in order for us to really scale and grow to that next. level version of ourselves, we have to let go of the things that we've told ourselves in the past. So we need to work through that mindset. So this whole episode, a lot of action items, a lot of great mindset blocks, some shifts and some solutions to solve a lot of your guys's problems. So I can't wait for you guys to listen and enjoy. Hey you and welcome back to yet. Another episode I'm so excited because over the next, I want to say probably like the next month I'm going to be doing very special weekly podcast episodes. These are mostly going to be solo episodes. There will be a very special guest expert that we're doing two episodes in one week, which is what Serena shoot over ambitious bookkeeper. We happened to be in person together when she came to visit me. So we did two very special episodes for you guys that we're going to be releasing pretty soon here, that I'm so excited about. And we're doing two in one week, which is super exciting. So over the next like month, you can just expect some really intricate and really deep. Different podcast episodes that are mostly solo, like I said, and they sprinkle of some guests. So I'm very, very excited. This is something that we haven't done in a really, really long time. And so I just felt really called to making this happen. So I want to over the next couple of weeks, really. Push you guys into a place where you could start to regain back your power. So let me just talk real quick about what I mean by regaining your power. So if you've been around for a while, or maybe you're in one of my programs, or maybe you're new to this space, I'm going to explain it no matter what. In a program that I've created, it's called breakthrough. We follow what I call the power to take back your business and the power to take back your firm. Sometimes we've let these things go out of control. Because we've been doing it for so long. Right. Originally started as a side hustle and now we've got this like big boy, big girl business, and it's like, oh my gosh. Now we have a team. And so taking back your power to really break through to the next level is all about you making sure that you have the right powerful mindset. The right optimize offers. World-class systems, empowered company culture, and become a removable CEO. And so that actually spells out power and it was very intentional the way I had built this program. And so over the next couple of weeks, I'm actually going to be sprinkling a lot of those same concepts here on this podcast. So they're going to build onto each other today. We're going to start off with creating your powerful mindset. I really want to kind of set the tone to help anyone. No matter the stage that you're at these episodes are really good. And I think they're going to be helpful and you can resonate with them, but they might feel a little bit over your head if you are more on the newbie stage, because we will be deep diving over the next couple of weeks on really building out your team and letting go of the work and removing yourself from the day-to-day creating robust systems that are not just for you, but also for your future team. Even if a team means one other person. And so I just want to give you a heads up that this is really meant for those and the next couple of weeks. like I said, anybody is welcome to listen, but it is really geared for those who are just struggling, who feel like you are hitting a ceiling. You've got the people knocking on the door, but unfortunately you're not pricing correctly. You can't afford to hire the team or maybe you have a team and they're not performing correctly. Then these couple of weeks over the next month. These episodes will really resonate with you. So we're going to dive in today to a powerful mindset. And so I know that a lot of people think this topic is super cheesy and they're always like, I don't need to work on my mindset. Like, I'm fine. I'm good. I get that because I was that person. I used to be that person to think that mindset like didn't mean anything and that it didn't really make sense for me. And I now know and understand that mindset is one of the number one things. If you can't get past your own mind and your own hurdles, that you've convinced yourself of, you're not going to go anywhere and actually achieve the things. There's a reason why. You have not yet achieved the things that you wanted to, he might have already achieved things up until this point. You might have create a six figure firm. You might have hired your first employee. Like you might've done your first presentation, whatever that looks like. Right. But there's a reason why, if you have these really big goals, I talked to, you know, some of our students a lot that are like, I want to be a seven figure firm and I'm like, that's great. But what's the reason why you haven't made it. Why don't have the team. And I don't have this. We'll know what are the real deep reasons why you have not made it yet? A lot of the times there's a lot of mindset, but there's also some like logistics components as far as like systems, team, so on and so forth. So mindset is really where we're going to sit and set the tone. So before I really take a step forward and kind of keep going, if this resonates. Resonates with you. And over the next month, if any of this resonates with you and you want to learn more. Or you want to really deep dive into the same topic I'm offering an absolutely free bootcamp. It's called the power to break through bootcamp. It's something that I host at least like once or twice a year. And it's incredible. The stuff that you're going to learn here on these podcast episodes over the next couple of weeks are exactly what you're gonna learn in the bootcamp, but more amplified. So we're just going to give a couple of things here on this podcast episode, but in the bootcamp. We're going to go all in really deep diving into these things, work, booking these things. I'm going to help you get through your mindset issues, that system issues, your team issue, so on and so forth. And that bootcamp is from August 19th to August 23rd. And that's in 2024 guys. I'm super excited about it. And you can expect over the five days that we're going to cover mindset, offers systems, team, and removability from your company. This is not meant for newbies. I absolutely love you guys. There's a time and place for what you have going on in your firm. But this is really for those who are at the scaling phase or already have a team? But just really overwhelming. Can't get them to perform the way that you want them to, or you can't even find the right team members, or maybe you just need to reevaluate your pricing because what you price at the beginning of your business is way different than what you should be now, years into your business. So you can expect that over the five days, we're going to do a live teaching session.

That's at 12:

00 PM EST every single day of the bootcamp, which the bootcamp is August 19 to August 23rd. Don't worry if you can't make it live, we will have replaced for everything for a short, limited time. So you guys can catch the replays. If you need to. Then we'll also have a daily live Q and a, which is at 5:00 PM EST. You can expect each session to be around an hour. I usually stay on a little bit after when there's a lot of questions. we will have myself who will be doing the live Q and a, and also our coach. Brooke Swan and Erica painter, which are two coaches that I've hired over at breakthrough. So they will also be joining me. But for the teaching session, it'll just be me and you guys. And I'll be teaching you guys the concepts throughout the day. It is so much fun. You'll get. Extra bonuses like a private access to a Facebook community. If you don't use Facebook, don't worry. There will be replaced in another format. So you don't have to be inside the Facebook group. There's going to be daily workbooks of all the things that we're going to cover on each day. So during these podcast episodes, you won't have a daily workbook. Like you're, we're just talking through you're listening, you're taking notes. And then a couple of surprise bonuses that I love to give away some spreadsheets and some fun calculators that you guys can use as you're scaling in your business. And if you want, you can go. sign up for the bootcamp and you can go to I'm also going to drop the link inside of the description of wherever you're listening to this podcast episode, but don't worry. I'm going to deep dive into all of the stuff that we're going to cover over the next couple of weeks in way more depth during this bootcamp. So let's go in and dive in, in today's lovely episode, all about powerful mindset. So like I said, we want to really harness back taking the power back in our business. It might've gotten to a point where maybe you're just overwhelmed or you're just like, do I really even want to do this anymore? Or maybe had life happen. This happens to a lot of my students where life has happened to them. And they're overwhelmed and all of a sudden, like, you know, someone in their family gets really sick and now they have to like step away and go to the hospital, but then they lose their business because their business. Can't operate without them. And then they're stressed out because not only are they trying to take care of their family members, now they've got a business that can't run, or the team is always relying on them or the clients are always relying on them. Or you just want to simply take a break, but you feel like you always have to ask permission from your clients to take a vacation that has got to change people. We didn't start our business. We all started a business thinking that this was going to be a side hustle. And then it turned into like, Just this big business. And that happened to me and I did not expect it. I was really used to wear this badge that I never wanted to hire anybody that it was always going to be me. And man, I could never go back. Like I could never go back to just being me. I love my team so much and they just crush it. So if you're at that place, Then the mindset is probably one of the first things that you actually need to be working on. So it's kind of like dive into really what my intention is over the next couple of weeks. As you consume and learn. How to like kind of reset the business and get back on track. I really want to help you guys realign with the business. I know that sometimes we fall out of love with our business. You might also be listening and saying, listen, I still love my business. And I bet you do. At the same time, you could feel two things. You can love your business, but you can also hate your business at the exact same time. I know this for myself. I think a lot of people think that because people look up to me, I think a lot of people think I don't have problems and I don't deal with this in my business. I am currently going through a very weird transition in my business. Where I feel like I just can't love things right now, and I don't know what it is and I will get through it and it'll be fine. And it's because something deep down, something is out of alignment and that's usually. Y, I want to really set the tone in the mindset because I'm doing my own mindset work. I'm reading this book that I'm absolutely obsessed with. I think it's called like, the making of integrity or something like that. It's by Martha Beck. And I really encourage you guys to actually read this book. It's a really great book and it's been so great for my mindset. It's all about really realigning with your integrity as far as like what you truly want. Like, we all like seem to conform to like whatever our parents did or maybe we make these excuses that. I took on traits of my parents or, the reason I'm frugal with my money is because my parents were, or you are just doing things to make other people happy, even in your business. And at the end of the day, it's like, is that what you really want? And so this book has been really helpful for me. So, like I said, I'm going to my own version of this as well. And so what I want to do, and my intention here is to help you guys get realigned with the business and reset that tone and really get back on track. And like I said, I'm going through that phase myself of feeling like something's out of alignment. The companies are fine. The two stuff that team members are taking care of the clients are taken care of, but like, I'm just struggling. I just got back from three weeks off and I'm still like, feel like I can't get realigned and that's okay. But I wanted to transparently share that with you guys. The whole goal here too, is to figure out what needs to change and create the execution plan. So in a couple of weeks, I'm going to share with you guys my strategy for creating an execution plan for when we need to roll things out, especially when I'm going through this weird phase that I'm currently going through right now in the business. The other goal too, is your business shouldn't rely on you. That's the whole goal. I know that a lot of people will tell me, well, let's I love what I do. I can do all these things. I don't mind being in the business and categorizing transactions and doing this and doing that for clients. And that's okay. It is okay to love your business. It is okay to love what you do. But at the end of the day, when life hits the fan and goes south. You need to make sure that the business does not rely on you and that can be supported without you being there. And so a lot of people are like, well, it's fine. I just go on vacation. I bring my computer and I just run payroll and I'm done. Wouldn't it be nice to not have to bring your computer. That's the whole goal. And so even if it's not for a, vacation reason or some crazy reason, the business should not be relying on you because you are not your business. Your businesses are a reflection of you, but it is not you. It is separate from you. So a couple of reasons, maybe while you're listening today, especially because you might just be in a really good place, but you also might be feeling a little bit lost. And I know that feeling because it's what I feel all the time. and sometimes you don't know what the next best step is. You might be overworked. Maybe you're just falling out of love with your company. Maybe your company relies on you too much and you feel like you can't ever step away. Maybe you're fearing hiring a team because you're scared that they might mess up or they might not represent the company the way that you would in what you expect. You might feel like you can truly never unplug or maybe, you know how to bring on the clients. And that's not a problem, but you don't have the system nor the team to be able to deliver on the work. So the people are knocking, but you can't serve them. So ultimately I want to get you guys to a point where you become what I like to call work optional or removable CEO. And really what that means is, like I said, you get to decide if you work. So if I woke up today and said, you know what, I don't want to work today. Everything would be fine. My team would still be working. Reports are still getting out to clients. Everyone's happy. I want the same for you with the right team systems and offers and mindset in place is really what it's going to get you to that next level. So, what I'm gonna focus on on this podcast episode is getting your mindset ready to really scale, bigger, higher, better, and break through to the next level. And my whole intention is I want to make sure that if your mindset is set up correctly, That will be set up for success because we've got to get through those barriers and those things that you've convinced yourself of, of why you haven't scaled and move forward. You might be telling yourself like Alyssa. trust me, I want the six figure business, or I want the seven figure from like, I want those things really bad just because you want them doesn't mean that you're removing the blocks that you need to get through in order to get there. Right. What got you here? Isn't what's going to get you there. It's one of my absolute favorite quotes. And I really think it always resonates with me because it, this can mean your team. This can also mean the coaches you work with. It could mean so many different things. It could be the people in your life that sometimes you outgrow people and that's okay. And that's also going back to living in your integrity, right? So let's talk about some mindset blocks. So if you don't know what a mindset block is, that's pretty much like the things that you tell yourself. That you've convinced yourself of that have literally blocked you from moving forward. And then what I'm going to do is I'm also going to talk about a mindset shift. So we're going to talk about the block, the thing you tell yourself, and then what I suggest that you now tell yourself to shift it into something more positive. Or to reevaluate the way that you're talking to yourself. And then from there. From the thing that you tell yourself, there's usually a common solution. Like something that's really straightforward to solve that mindset block. So sometimes it's like the mindset, but then there's also the logistics to it. So I'm actually going to be covering the mindset block. The shift and then also the common solution of how you could fix it. We're just teasing a couple of these here. We actually really deep dive into more of these inside of the bootcamp. So make sure that you're signed up for that, which like I said is August 19 to August 23rd. you have any of these resonate with you. Please feel free to let me know. You can email our team at support at work folk, And let me know what mindset block you tell yourself, the shift that you put into place in a solution that you can create in order to get rid of that block. So the first mindset block is I'm not sure I'm qualified to lead my firm to the next level. Maybe I'm just lucky so far. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say that. The mindset shift in what you should be. If you ever tell yourself that this is what you need to shift into something more positive. I've worked hard to get here and my skills and experience make me more qualified to lead my firm. You see how it went from? I'm not sure if I'm qualified and I don't know if I can lead my firm to the next level. Maybe I'm just lucky. To instead saying I've worked really hard to get here and my skills and experience make me more qualified to lead my firm. So it's a simple mindset shift. It's reminding yourself the things that you tell yourself shifted a bit, but that's not enough, in my opinion. I think that there's also common logistics, like solutions. And what we call this with this mindset block is imposter syndrome. It's the fact that you don't believe in yourself. Uh, enough. And so we need to remember all the things that you have done in the past that have brought you to this space, because we're all so preoccupied with what's going to happen in the future. That we forget to say, what are the wins? Right. So I want you to go back a solution to tackling your imposter syndrome. It's to remember your why? This is huge. This is something that we not only teach in almost every one of my programs actually. We teach this concept. Remember why you're doing this? This can look like things like reviewing testimonials from clients. Remembering why you started this business. I sprinkle reminders around your house. keep a success journal or even a wind wall. So I take these little sticky notes and whenever a wind happens, big or small, I write them on these sticky notes and I put them on my wall. I have like a sticky note that says, spoke on my first stage, which was at BK X back in 2020. And that was huge for me. That was huge. And then I also have on that was like my first podcast interview that I'd ever been on. Then I had another one that was like, I hired my first employee. Hired my first contractor made my first sale. I still have my first dollar that someone paid me for my firm. I want you to go back and remember the wins, even if you haven't recognized your wins in the past, I want you to sit down with a journal. And just think back over the past couple of years in your business and just say, what are some bigger accomplishments that have happened? If you want to share them with me, please feel free to email them to me. I love to hear from you guys and see what you guys want to share. That when was huge for me. I have a lot of days, guys, I've been telling you that I'm going through this weird struggle myself of not feeling the motivation. I really recommend that you read testimonials from your clients, or if you don't have like official testimonials, go to emails and see the way that plaintiff prays deal. We have a database that we have inside of our notion. Notion is like a tool that is like a massive Wikipedia. I freaking love notion so much. I'll drop a link in the description for you guys. Inside of notion. I have like a, what they call databases of all of our testimonials from clients and even students here at workflow queen. So when I have down days, I usually just pop in there and just read like the way that I've transformed people's lives. And it's incredible. And it's just, it reminds me of why I'm working so hard and why I get through every day. Another solution for your imposter syndrome is to find support. This is huge people. When you're doubting yourself, call your best friend. If you guys are anything like me, if I call my bestie, didn't tell her, like, I'm not, I can't lead my firm. I can't take it to the next level. You bet your sweet ass. My besties would literally be like, you are crazy. You have way more proof than you can imagine of how that's not true. Like, so find support, find your people. I have my own biz besties. I have my own like friends in real life. And then I also even have like my own communities. So some of the best support systems I've ever had other than my friends and my direct best friends. Is literally groups that I've paid for, that I am invested in. So like for example, I'm a part of some masterminds that I talk about my feelings and what's going on the imposter syndrome. We have a lot of students in breakthrough who do the same thing that loved the Facebook group because of the fact that they can be open and honest. That's why the bootcamp is great because during the bootcamp week, even if you can't make it live to the replays, You know that you're going to be in the same group of other people who are looking for the same type of support. Right. So another mindset block might be something where you're saying I'm afraid to raise my rates in fear that my clients will walk away. And that prospects can't afford my new rates. I feel bad because they're so nice and I don't want to charge them more. I can't tell you how many times I've said this to myself. It took me many years to get through that mindset block.'cause when we first, like I said, when we first start our business, we're told by some guru that we should price low and we should keep it that way because they don't think about you having a team in the future. Now all of a sudden your business has shifted and you need to make more money from you. Probably haven't raised your rates. I hear this all the time. Haven't raised my rates in many, many years. And that's because we're too scared to ask our clients because we're scared that they're going to walk away. So the mindset block, the thing you're telling yourself is that pretty much you don't deserve the raise because you feel like your clients are going to walk away and then they control what your rates are. And you feel bad cause they're really nice. And that they're in a struggle bus of the business, or they're really struggling with cash. I will tell you that your client's failure to price correctly. Shouldn't be your like issue for the reason why you have to raise your rates. Just because your setting the standard and you're actually charging what you need to, you shouldn't feel bad when your clients, aren't also doing the same for theirselves and that's, what's super important about raising your rates is you're honoring yourself and what your actual value is. And I tell this to people all the time, like. I love my clients and I appreciate them, but a lot of them also have their own mindset issues. Their mindset issues on their own pricing has reflected on how much money they make to be able to afford you. That is not something that, that you can control in them unless you're consulting them. Right. So your mindset block is I'm afraid to raise those rates. And fear that the clients will not be able to afford the new rates. Therefore, they're going to leave you. The mindset shift is I want you to tell yourself setting appropriate prices reflects the value and expertise I offer. Clients who understand the quality of my services will appreciate the investment in their own success. So you have to go back to the days of saying I actually am very valued. And the thing is you might've convinced yourself over time that you're not valued because so many people on maybe console calls have told you, like, I just can't afford that. I, I, you know, I would rather pay a hundred dollars a month or I just, I can't even fathom the idea of paying $400 a month for bookkeeping. And that's okay, but let me tell you the benefits. Let me tell you why you should value what I do. And that's usually what we do. We reshift their perspective and usually a lot of times people come into a console and say, Yeah, I can only afford like$75 a month or a hundred dollars a month. And I'm like, well, for us, our base rate starts at $400 a month. For just basic bookkeeping. That's not consulting. That's just basic bookkeeping compliance. And they're shocked at first, but then we explain how we differ from everyone else. And I stand strong and very firm in our fees. And at the end of the day, I let them know that our prices reflect the value that we're going to be giving to you. But first you need to identify that value for yourself as well. So that's your mindset shift, but the overall. Mindset block is fear of raising your rates. So we all get like this. We all get really scared of what should we charge? I feel really overwhelmed. I don't want people to be mad at me. I don't want to lose my clients. I can tell you if you have like 10 or 20 clients and across the board, you increased everyone's rate by like, let's just say five or 10%. I bet you you're going to probably lose some clients, but in the end you're going to have less clients, but more money. So think about that. You should 100% at least be raising your rates at least once a year to, Supply for inflation. So like maybe a 5% increase every single year. And then it should be increased more based off of if services have changed. So a common solution for tackling the fear of raising your rates is start with new clients. So a lot of people come to me and they're like, I'm just so scared to like raise rates for my prior clients. Cool. Then don't make it complicated. Just start with new clients that come in the door. Gradually start to increase your rates. So write down, like, what are you currently pricing your clients? I want you to put that on your wind wall. I want you to put on a sticky note, how much your base rate is right now. Then I want you to come back six months from now and say, what is your new base rate? After you have done these slow increases over time, you'd be surprised at like, you will be really proud of yourself to know that. Okay. Every time I've had a new clients at increased the rate just a little bit more, I've pushed the envelope just a little bit more. So maybe your rates right now might be $200 a month. Which guys I have seen it all. Inside of breakthrough. We have our students, my group coaching program. We have our students fill out all of their clients, how much they're charging them. The number of hours are working the team that they have direct costs, everything. And we give them feedback on that. And I can't tell you how many times I've seen our students. I have base rates of like a hundred to 200 guys. If you go to like QuickBooks online, new QuickBooks live bookkeepers, which we all know are like terrible. They literally start at like $400 a month. So if you're not matching the biggest competitor, then what are you doing? We also need to all lift each other up together. If we all can raise our standard rate, then clients won't expect to be paying someone a hundred dollars a month. And if you are charging someone a hundred dollars a month, I'm so sorry to say this, but that is not enough. I know that you might justify saying what only takes me two hours to do it every single month, but that's two hours. Plus the years that you had to learn all those things, plus all the different spreadsheets, assets, things that you've been creating, you deserve more. So start with new clients. Those are the easiest solutions because every new client that you get or every new client you're on a call with, you could say, oh yeah, our rate, you know, used to be this, or you don't even have to say that part. But what I mean is like, let's just say that your current base rate is. 200. The next time you get on a call, I want you to quote 2 25. Then the next hall, two 50 until you slowly work up to where you feel confident, because if I just told you tomorrow to wake up, if you're charging$200 a month to just now all of a sudden charge 400 just base most of our clients are not even on the $400. They're all like on 800 to 900. Like our average package is pretty high. So like, remember that, like that's just your base. It doesn't mean that you have to charge. That just means that's your base rate that you're not willing to go under. And that's okay. I want you to also capture testimonials. So when you have testimonials from your clients, you can simply do this by sending out like maybe a Google form or some sort of like, email that just asks like your clients, like, Hey, we're redoing our website. We would love some testimonials. Can you say a couple of words of why you love us, like right here, whatever. The reason why you want this is proof is in the pudding people. I can't tell you how many times I have not worked with the company. If I don't see any testimonials, usually when I'm talking to a company, I ask them, like, do you guys have any past client experiences or someone in your past clients that's willing to like answer a couple of questions about their experience for me directly. And a lot of the times, like if they tell me like, oh no, we don't, like we don't have any clients, you know, that are willing to chat through it with you, then I'm like, Hm. There's usually a reason for that. So. I usually go another route. And so I know that's really crazy, but like gather testimonials, put them on your website, put them everywhere. This will help you to prove that like your value is there by showing these prospects, when they argue the price to say. This is what solutions we've given to our clients. If you don't want that, that's okay. The door's right there, but I could introduce you to someone else, Sally Sue, who's cheaper, right? I want you to also create a price increase system. So a price increasing system could be anything like the templated emails that you'll need to send for a price increase. I also want you to create like a frequency of how often you're doing price reviews. So we do a price review every single quarter. But we don't usually up the client's fee, every single quarter. It just means that we're going through to see how much time is our team's spending. What's the software costs. And then how much are we charging the client? Are we actually still profitable? Because sometimes the volume in the client's work has changed. And then also create a price increase tracker. So this is something that we actually do. Inside a breakthrough. So my group coaching program, we actually give them a price increase tracker and also all these assets. So the frequency of price reviews, what they should be increasing their prices to price, increase emails, and kind of what to do and how to make the changes for your price increases because a lot of people came into breakthrough. Like being by themselves, solo operating for so many years. And now all of a sudden they need to, like, they want to grow in the business and truly scale and start affording more contractors and different things. So they have to price differently. And so inside the bootcamp, we will be talking about the free boot camp, which is a power to break through boot camp. and that's August 19th to August 23rd, we will be talking about on day two. Optimize offers. And we're going to talk about some price increase. things and you can bring it to a Q and a if you'd like as well. So another mindset issue that you might be coming up with, and this is probably going to be one of our last ones here. Is I'm overwhelmed by client work and tasks. I can't even think about growth right now. I can't tell you how often I hear this. Alyssa. I can't join your bootcamp because I'm so busy because I'm constantly doing something. I can't learn that new thing because I'm so busy that I'm stuck in the weeds. I can't get out. I can't grow my team cause I can't even give them time to actually train them. You only give time for the things that actually matter to you. And I know you might be saying like, but it does matter to me, but does it enough for you to make a difference and to stop and slow down? The best thing that someone had ever told me was slowed down to speed up. Which pretty much means. That if you stop and you chill. And relax for a second. And really just allow yourself to slow down in the business. Fix things. You can speed up a lot faster down the line. So when you have the mindset block of I'm overwhelmed by client work and I can't get things done. And I can't truly grow because I don't have the space for it. You need to start telling yourself that I'm taking proactive steps to manage my workload and Prioritize my growth with the right systems. I can handle both effectively. I know that you might be feeling overwhelmed because I have felt this myself. I feel it more than you guys probably know. I feel a lot of that, but sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm trying to do everything instead of trying to do one thing good. And that's the problem. That's the problem that I see all the time is that we're trying to work on onboarding and cleanups and the team, and then like making the clients happy and this and that and that, and this and that, and like all these different things. It's not serving you well, We need to take a step back, slow down to speed up. So that's why I really encourage you to be at a bar at our bootcamp, because if you could just block off a week, you could still get some work done in the meantime, but block it off intentionally to do the workbooks, to do the work, to show up, to communicate, to be on the live calls, to go to the Q and A's get coached by me and our other coaches and get support. It will transform your business. I've seen it happen for people who have joined us. This mindset block is truly all about overwhelm. This is where we are overwhelmed because we're doing too many things. And the common solution is outsourcing streamlining your processes and prioritization. So the first one. Outsourcing, you need to start identifying what you can actually get off your plate. and something that maybe you don't need too much instructions to get off your plate or get someone to support you with. And it doesn't need to be a full-time role guys. It doesn't even need to be an employee. It could be a contractor. It could be two hours a week, could be five. It could be 40. It really doesn't matter. The whole point is. Get some support. A lot of people think that it used to be full-time employee and this and that. Unfortunately, we do not get to decide if it's an employee or contractor that's based off of what you need them to do. That's going to determine whether they're an employee or a contractor. However, you can determine how many hours that they need to work for. You. And so I would get help. I would get help. Maybe that's a virtual assistant. Maybe that's another bookkeeper. Maybe that's an account manager. Maybe it's like, just in general, just anybody that can support you. Then I want you to focus on streamlining your processes. So a lot of people say like, oh, I almost, that's only going to be me forever. Like I don't care to have a team. The thing is guys. I told myself that same damn thing. And here we are with two different businesses with employees in both of them. I could never go back because I think I've already tasted what it's like to not have to do all the day-to-day stuff. I don't want to categorize transactions anymore. Like I've been doing this guy since like 2015, like. I don't want to categorize anymore. I don't want to run reports. I don't want to download statements. And that's okay. I have people on my team who absolutely love it. What I want to do is lead. Do the sales calls. I want to be like seeing the ways that we could tweak things in the business to better serve our clients. So streamline your processes while you can. That means identifying areas of opportunities, maybe that's, ways to automate things, standardizing processes, creating email templates, or so many things on day three of the bootcamp, we're going to deep dive into systems. And we're really going to be talking about streamlining that kind of stuff. Then the last thing of the overwhelm was prioritization. This is really where you're going to be identifying the most critical tasks. And things that need your immediate attention. What we want to focus here and I see this all the time. Is that people are always telling me, like, Like when I ask them, what's your biggest problem? They're like, well, it's cleanups, but then it's also onboarding, but it's also like, I need someone to be able to like review the clients, but then I also have this bookkeeper. Yes guys. It is so true. There are so many issues in the business all at one time, but there is definitely 100% one issue that is the most urgent need and needs your attention. The most. And a lot of the times, a lot of people will tell me like, oh, well, it's this when really it's actually something else. So if you're confused as to where to start and how to actually create that plan and not feel overwhelmed from it on day three of the bootcamp on the world-class systems day. I'm actually going to break down. How to identify what we call your bottleneck. Your bottleneck is like your biggest issue. I'm gonna help you identify your biggest bottleneck in the business and help you create a three month plan in order to tackle it, fix it, automate it, delegate it, get it ready. So that way you can repeat that process. So every three months. My team and myself and both companies. Focus on a one core. Like area of the business and one core process right now here at workflow queen at some of our marketing things at my firm, it's onboarding right now. And so we choose something that we focus on for the next three months and we obsess over it. We research on it, we do delegation, we start documenting SOP and then it works like a charm. Then we'll tackle the next thing. Then we'll tackle the next thing. So I'm going to teach you how to do that and actually how to put that together. So there's a lot of amazingness that's really going to come from this bootcamp. We're going to talk about your fear of failure. We're going to talk about the fear of the team. Which we all know. We've all told ourselves, like there's no way that anybody on the team could care about my clients like me. Stop telling yourself that it is not true. And you might be saying, well, this I have hired people and that has been the solution. Put your ego aside, what did you fail not to do for them? That you should have done. Maybe it was more training or more resources or more information that you should've done to give them better success. Maybe sometimes it is a bad egg I've had that happen to myself as well. But at the end of the day, I have had the majority of amazing team members who have loved my clients almost more than I do. It is possible. You've just convinced yourself that it's not possible. Right. It's just like, if you were in a bad relationship, you're like, no man is ever going to be a good man. Like all of them are bad. That's such BS. We've just convinced ourselves this right. Same thing with all my parents were really frugal or my parents were like this. So therefore I'm like that. You choose to stay on the path that you're on. We need to change our mindset. We need to be convinced sometimes through facts that there is something on the other side that can actually push us. In the, path that we actually want to take, which goes back to the whole living and integrity. The whole living and integrity thing is all about what do you truly want? What do you truly desire? Who do you really want to be? If family was taken away and all these other layers that we've just accumulated baggage. Over the years. What do you want? I would love for you to share this with me. I'd love for you to share your mindset block. The shift that you're going to make. And the common solution of how you're going to fix this. If you don't know how to do that, reach out to me. I tell you guys this all the time. I offer this all the time on the podcast and I'm not kidding. When I say these emails do get to me, my team makes sure that I see these emails that you guys send to us. When you respond back to the podcast. When I ask you guys. Come on Instagram and go to at workflow queen tell me in the DMS and tell me in my chat and let me know, like, what are you currently struggling with? What's your mindset block? What's that shift that you're going to shift into in the solution. Come email If you really want a deep dive into this and really set the tone. If we fixed the mindset, guys, all the other logistics get a lot easier. I promise. One question I want to end off with today. As I end this podcast episode. Is how would you make decisions or actions if you didn't have these fears? How would the business be? I would love for you to take a step back journal that reflect on that. If you want that seven figure from. Why is it that you've gotten to this point where you haven't made that happen? Sometimes it's action. Sometimes it's the blocks that you have in place. But how would you make decisions or actions if you didn't have those fears? To actually hit that next level. Right. I'm here for you guys. I can't wait for over the next couple of weeks to just give you guys so much more greatness. About, you know, all things, removing yourself from the business. And thank you so much for being here today. And let me know if y'all have any other questions and can't wait for next week and don't forget to sign up for the bootcamp. I'm super excited. And I can't wait to pour into you guys when you attend.